Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1803 Don't Fill the Bottomless Pit

Chapter 1803 Don't Fill the Bottomless Pit
No. [-] silently lowered her head to eat, Jin Chen's words were like a spring breeze blowing away the bit of resentment in her heart, what he said was exactly what she thought.

"It's all a family, who spends money differently?"

Seeing that her daughter-in-law was silent, Zhou Guifang had no choice but to smooth things over on her own, but she still had to give Zhao Jinchuan money for what she said.

"That's enough. Shut up. Even eating can't stop your mouth. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

Zhao Yaozu saw that his son had already said so much, but his wife forced him to ask for money, and there were three outsiders at the table!Isn't this a joke?

It also means to force the son and daughter-in-law by virtue of the large number of people.

He felt that there was no place to put his old face, so he glared at his wife angrily and scolded him.

"Who made us impatient!"

Zhou Guifang was wronged by her husband's yelling, and her eyes were red.

They are all her own children, dear ones, which one does she not love?
Thinking of her second child being ridiculed by her classmates because she had no money in a strange city, she felt sorry for her child.

"Auntie, in fact, you don't have to worry. We have comrades from all over the world, so how about it! Go back and find the address book, and let the comrades over there take a look. If you really need money, Jin Chen will not refuse to give it, but take brother Sister-in-law's hard-earned money goes out to enjoy the scenery, eat, drink and have fun, so you can't give money, after all, no one owes anyone? Don't you think so?"

Lu Sihui saw that the members of Zhao's family froze, she smiled and spoke, her voice was neither too fast nor too slow, and she sounded even-handed, but she was also speaking for Jin Chen and No. [-].

"That is. That is."

Zhou Guifang smiled awkwardly. Lu Sihui was right, but she felt a little uncomfortable.

"My buddies work there, you can also call the police station over there and ask them to ask, is it the school asking for money, or Jinchuan making excuses to cheat money? It will be clear in a day. It is the school asking for money. I will give , but he swindled the money and got nothing.”

Zhao Jinchen glanced at Sihui gratefully, thought it was a good idea, and immediately agreed.

"How do you say it? That's your own brother, cheating money one by one, does it sound good to outsiders?"

Zhou Guifang was so angry that she stopped eating and sat on the stool sulking.

"Mom, I thought about it. Before Wenqian gave birth to a child, she didn't need you to take care of her. I'm on a business trip, and she can live in the work unit. There is a dormitory over there. When I come back, I can take care of her by myself. You should take care of her at home." go home!"

Zhao Jinchen saw that his mother was so biased, thinking that if she really moved here, she would write ink every day and ask them to post money to Zhao Jinchuan.

Wen Qian is a pregnant woman, so she is already anxious, and if she tortures her, she will make her worry even more.

"Ha, okay, I'm so kind, and you've treated me like a donkey. I'm embarrassing myself."

Zhou Guifang's face turned dark with anger, and she replied angrily, looking at her daughter-in-law again.

The son is married to a daughter-in-law, and he looks at her eyes when he speaks. It is not easy for him to speak by himself.

Putting his hands on the table, he didn't eat a single bite of the food. Looking at Xiaoying, he felt very uncomfortable.

They don't want to care about the second child, but what about Xiaoying?Mom is dead, can they take care of it?
"Jin Chen, my father supports you for doing this. The second child has become too vain now, lazy and greedy, and talkative. Our family is an ordinary farmer and cannot afford to support such a prodigal son."

Zhao Yaozu looked at his son and clinked glasses with him. Although Jin Chen spoke in a bad tone, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Going to school seriously, even if you go bankrupt, you can pay for it, but when you go out to prodigal, you still fill in the bottomless pit here, and you will never be able to fill it in your life.

"I'm the only co-author who is a bad person, right? If you don't go to school outside, you will know how difficult it is when you go out."

(End of this chapter)

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