Chapter 1805
"No, in that case, my family will not be able to live in the village, they will be drowned in spittle, and they will be bullied and looked down upon. I can't shame the whole family because of myself."

Huang Yaomei was about to cry, if she could do that, she would have done it long ago.

"So, just follow our plan, the sooner the better."

Lu Sihui waved her hand and decided not to change things that have been ordered.

"I'll go talk to Zhang Changsheng,"

"That's fine, but can Huang Yaomei pretend to be like that? What if the truth is revealed?"

Li Yanhong looked at Huang Yaomei, she was straightforward and would not pretend.

"It's easy to handle. I'll ask Dr. Tang for some medicine. I'll let her take it when I get home. It won't reveal anything."

Lu Sihui's eyes glowed with wisdom, if she couldn't do this well, it would be over.

"Can you be so godlike?"

Li Yanhong looked at Lu Sihui in disbelief.


Lu Sihui said firmly, turned the steering wheel and turned on and off the road.

As he turned the corner, the lights of the headlights flickered past, and he saw a familiar figure walking in front of him.

"Is that Jianguo?"

Li Yanhong also saw it, and hurriedly pushed Sihui.


Lu Jianguo, who was in front of him, put his hands over his eyebrows and looked behind him because of the lights coming over him. There was no need to guess, it was him.

Lu Sihui parked the car on the side of the road, and Lu Jianguo also saw her sister at this time!
He smiled happily. His feet were numb from the cold, and he felt pain like needles when he walked. He was cold and hungry.


Lu Sihui called him with a dark face, this is the way home from the city, not the way Jianguo goes to school, what is he doing out so late?

"I'm freezing to death."

Lu Jianguo rubbed his hands as soon as he got in the car, and made several cold stops in a row.

"Where have you been?"

Lu Sihui asked him angrily.

"I'm going to see Chang Yingying off. Her home is in the city."

Lu Jianguo had no ghosts in his heart, and he spoke calmly.

Lu Sihui frowned, and didn't say any more. She still remembered the appearance of the girl who desperately protected Lu Jianguo. If she was thinking of the same little girl as her brother was talking about, she would not object to him sending her off.

The family building is closer than the work unit. When they reached the gate of the compound, Lu Sihui let Li Yanhong and her younger brother get off the car first, and she went to see Huang Yaomei off.

"Sihui, drive slowly, the road is too slippery."

Li Yanhong asked her worriedly, and Lu Sihui nodded lightly. She was not worried about the slippery road at all, and had already taken measures.

Driving steadily towards the unit, the speed of the car was not slow. Huang Yaomei wanted to remind her several times, knowing her character, she forced herself to go back.

"What are you afraid of?"

Seeing her nervousness in the endoscope, Lu Sihui asked a funny question.

"The road is slippery and the brakes can't stop."

Huang Yaomei said something cautiously, fearing that Lu Sihui would be unhappy, she glanced at her worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will send you to the place safely. I will ask for medicine for you tomorrow. If you think about it, you may be paralyzed for the rest of your life if you take it. Are you afraid?"

Lu Sihui deliberately teased her, how could the medicine he gave her make her unable to stand up for the rest of her life?

But if she wants to test her courage, will she not hesitate for Zhang Changshui?

Huang Yaomei bit her lower lip tightly, a little hesitant, paralyzed on the couch for the rest of her life, can Zhang Changshui still want her?
"It's too late to regret now."

Disappointment flashed in Lu Sihui's eyes, and her voice turned cold. If she didn't even have this bit of courage, she wouldn't help her.

"I don't regret it, as long as I can be with Zhang Changshui, even if it's a sacrifice, I'm willing."

(End of this chapter)

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