Chapter 1830 Flattered
"Zhou Zixu, aren't you sick?"

"It's just diarrhea, just take some medicine and it will be fine."

Zhou Zixu showed Lin Chong the medicine bag in his hand, entered the dormitory, put the medicine on the table, took out a white pill, picked up the green iron cup on the table, and ate the medicine in front of Lin Chong .

Lin Chong looked at the eyedrop bag, which said antidiarrheal medicine, and the doubt in his eyes disappeared. The doctor had proved that he had a bad stomach, and he suspected there was something wrong with it.

"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

Zhou Zixu had a full view of the changes in his eyes, and he knew that this kid was not going to see a doctor, let alone caring for himself. A smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he went there in time.

Holding Lin Chong's arm, he walked towards the door of the dormitory, and asked him as if chatting: "What are you doing in the clinic? Are you sick? Why don't you come in to see a doctor?"

He asked three questions in a row, Lin Chong remembered the dispute with the doctor again, and his face turned livid.

"Isn't it because of you? I went to see you, and this happened to me."

"You went to see me? I'm really flattered, when did you care about me so much?"

Zhou Zixu's smile was bright and sunny, and his voice was raised once, showing surprise.

"I'm always nice to you, right?"

Lin Chong felt uncomfortable hearing this, as if he didn't care about Zhou Zixu at ordinary times, and then he cared only today.

Although what he said was the truth, today it was not to care about him, but to look for his little feet.

He is his competitor, and the No.1 graduate has the greatest chance of promotion. He wants to fight for the first place, and Zhou Zixu is the stumbling block.

"That's right, that's right, ah, the cafeteria is closed, can we have dinner for the two of us?"

Zhou Zixu smiled and nodded, seeing that Lin Chong was uncomfortable, he was happy.

The students in the cafeteria are all going out!He clutched his stomach, listening to its protest to himself, a little worried.

Take the medicine on an empty stomach, do not eat, burn the stomach.

"I'm not going, I'm full, not hungry."

Lin Chong pushed Zhou Zixu away, turned around and went back to the dormitory.

"Zixu, I've made a meal for you. I know you have a bad stomach. I begged the cook to boil some eggs for you. Come and eat with me."

Xiang Yunchang ran out from the cafeteria. He was going back to pick up the lunch box. The head chef heard that some students were sick, so he gave the green light.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zixu glanced at him, this guy is good, he is very down-to-earth, he doesn't have so many twists and turns.

Following Xiang Yunchang into the cafeteria, most of the students had left, and the dining table was empty.

"Hello, this is the sick student, can we eat here and go back?"

Xiang Yunchang ran to find the head chef, and smiled with him.

"Okay, but let's eat in the back kitchen! We have to clean up later."

The head chef smiled when he saw Zhou Zixu. This man is a man of the hour. He still remembers the last time he came to the Junguan School, the world was turned upside down and he was deeply impressed.

Zhou Zixu smiled at him, he also knew the head chef, last time he was here, he was just a cook, he was promoted, not bad!
The head chef fished out six boiled eggs for Zhou Zixu, all of which were freshly boiled and still hot!
"There's millet porridge here. It's best to eat something for a bad stomach. There are no other dishes, only pickles are left. You can just eat it!"

"Thank you."

Boiled eggs were very fragrant, and the smell came out when the egg skin was peeled off. Zhou Zixu's stomach growled wildly, and everyone nearby heard it, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

He can also explain in a serious way: "Bad stomach, it's all empty."

(End of this chapter)

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