Chapter 1832

There were a lot of people on the platform. Zhang Changshui used his body to block Yaomei and kept her by his side. He would have to take the train for two days, and he had to back up once. The journey this time was a bit long.

Huang Yaomei seemed to be very preoccupied, and she was afraid that this trip back would be futile. If so, she would be forced to separate from Zhang Changshui. As long as she thought of separating from him, Huang Yaomei's heart would throb sharply, and she would never be able to love her.

"Yaomei, don't worry, we will definitely win this battle."

Seeing the worry in Yaomei's eyes, Zhang Changshui held her hand and encouraged her.

"Changshui, if I really become what Sister Sihui said, would you still want me?"

Huang Yaomei looked up at Zhang Changshui. She is under pressure from two aspects. The family is part of it, and Zhang Changshui is the most important.

At this moment, she already felt that her legs were limp, like noodles, and she could hardly support her body.

She knew that this was the onset of the effect of the medicine. Sister Sihui had said at the time that the onset would take two days. At most tomorrow, she would have to rely on someone's back to walk.

This feeling made her terrified, but she didn't want to tell Zhang Changshui to worry.

She, who was always optimistic, also began to worry.

"Of course, no matter what you become? If I, Zhang Changshui, change my mind, I will let this train crush me to death."

Zhang Changshui saw the panic in Yaomei's eyes, widened his eyes, and swore by pointing at the incoming train.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Huang Yaomei hurriedly covered his mouth, regretting asking this.

"Young man, there are some things you can't talk nonsense, girl, this young man is reliable, you are right to marry him."

The rickety old lady who was being squeezed aside suddenly interrupted when she heard the young couple's conversation.

Huang Yaomei blushed immediately, but Zhang Changshui looked at the aunt with a smile in his eyes, and thanked the aunt happily: "Thank you, aunt."

Huang Yaomei glared at him, she didn't learn anything else from Vice Minister Zhou, but she did with a playful smile.

When the train arrives at the station, the people on the train get off, and then the people on the train can get on.

It started to get crowded at this time, and everyone wanted to rush up to grab a seat, and some people simply jumped in through the car window.

If you don't take a long-distance train, you will be exhausted.

The old lady was pushed to the side, and she didn't know who was stepping on her foot, and she cried out in pain.

Zhang Changshui and Huang Yaomei protected the old lady. Zhang Changshui was so strong that when he pushed back, the people behind couldn't squeeze the old lady.

After getting on the bus, Zhang Changshui began to look for seats from the ticket numbers. He and Yaomei bought a three-seater seat next to each other.

"Comrade, please give way, this is our seat."

He quickly found a seat, but it was already occupied by two big men with big arms. Zhang Changshui put the luggage on the luggage rack first, and politely asked them to give up his seat with the ticket.

"On the train, grabbing a seat is based on ability, and it costs the same money. Why should I give it to you?"

The man by the window just took off his shoes, put his feet on the seat, and sat comfortably!Seeing a poor man come to ask for his seat, his eyes widened and he shouted unreasonably.

"Give up your seat, please."

The smile on Zhang Changshui's face froze, and he played rough with him, so what's the point?

"Brother, don't pay attention to him, he's still a mate if he's as poor as ice, this lesbian is really nice, she's quite fresh, it's a waste to deserve him."

The thin man next to him took off his hat and threw it on the small table. His hair was messed up like a bird's nest, and he bared his big black teeth. He was talking to the man by the window, but his eyes were staring at Huang Yao like a fly. sister.

"Can't get up?"

(End of this chapter)

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