Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1841 Greed beats reason

Chapter 1841 Greed beats reason

There was a corner exposed under the bed, like a kraft envelope, his heart was beating wildly, and he suddenly fell back on the couch, with his hands on his heart, suppressing his beating heart.

He knew that it was Zhang Kefu's bed, and he saw Zhang Kefu taking money under the bed with his own eyes, but he didn't even know he was behind his back.

He tried his best to restrain the greed in his heart, but he still couldn't help but look at it. He didn't take more, but only took five yuan, which was enough to buy movie tickets.

He knew that Zhang Kefu's family was very rich. His parents, grandparents and grandparents all worked in state-owned units. The whole family supported him to spend money alone, and the whole dormitory envied him.

And this person has no brains, he is usually careless, and he doesn't know much about money. If he is less, he shouldn't know?

But what if we know?

If you are caught stealing money in school, you will be expelled.

Zhao Jinchuan covered his eyes in annoyance, restraining the greed in his heart.

"Zhao Jinchuan, shall we go to the movies?"

Ding Lili's voice rang in her ears, it was the first time she offered to watch a movie with her!In the past, he was chasing her by himself, but seeing that the dawn was ahead, he couldn't let his efforts fall by the wayside.

Big deal, when the money from home is mailed over, he will secretly put it back for him.

Zhao Jinchuan was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. After all, greed defeated reason. He sat up, ran to the door of the dormitory, opened the door and looked into the corridor.

It was quiet and no one was there, he moved quickly, no one should be able to notice.

As if his heart was going to jump out of his throat, he ran quickly to Zhang Kefu's bed, and with trembling hands, he opened the bed and took out the envelope.

There were banknotes of all denominations, big and small, inside. He saw that there were three five-yuan renminbi. He took out one without thinking, and carefully put the rest of the envelopes back as they were.

At this time, he was already sweating profusely, he was so nervous that he could hardly breathe, and his panting was as heavy as a cow.

Just after putting the envelope away, he heard talking and laughing in the corridor. He was so frightened that he hurriedly put down the mattress. After checking that there were no loopholes, he put the banknotes in his pocket, ran to the desk and sat down, picked up the book casually, and pretended to be there. study.

"Haha, I heard that the cafeteria is cooking braised pork tonight!"

"Yeah, I haven't eaten meat for half a month, I'm so hungry, Zhang Kefu, how about treating me tonight?"

"No problem, what a big deal."

Two male students chatted and laughed and opened the door to enter the dormitory. One of them was Zhang Kefu. He was very fat and his skin was fair.

He likes to laugh and make friends, but he just looks down on Zhao Jinchuan, no matter how he tries to please him, he just looks down on Zhao Jinchuan.

Others don't know the reason, but Zhao Jinchuan knows it well. Zhang Kefu, a fat man, also likes Ding Lili, but Ding Lili likes herself, her rival in love, so naturally she can't fall in love.

After Zhang Kefu entered the room, he saw Zhao Jinchuan reading a book, couldn't help curling his lips, and cursed in a low voice: "Pretend to be poor."

"Ke Fu, don't you know? The poorer people are, the more they like to put on airs."

The one who flatters him is also the boy in the dormitory, named Qin Guofeng, whose parents are workers and whose family conditions are not bad, but he likes to take advantage of it, so, after knowing that Zhang Kefu is rich, he called him brother and brother.

Now that he has the opportunity to beg Zhang Kefu, Qin Guofeng will not give up. It just so happens that he also hates Zhao Jinchuan.

Zhao Jinchuan frowned and buttoned the book, stood up abruptly, and walked towards the outside of the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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