Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1852 Use her bride price

Chapter 1852 Use her bride price

"Changshui, are you tired?"

Huang Yaomei felt sorry for him, and from time to time helped him wipe the sweat streaming down his cheeks.

She regretted it so much now, she will be able to take the medicine later, and the road will be difficult if she walks into the mountains again, and it will be very hard for Zhang Changshui to carry her on his back.

"Not tired."

Zhang Changshui turned his face to look at her and grinned. Huang Yaomei almost stopped crying, his mouth was so dry that his skin was cracked.

Quickly took off the water bottle and handed it to his mouth: "Drink some water!"

Zhang Changshui was also really thirsty. The weather in the south was humid and hot, and his throat seemed to be smoking.

Then he took two sips from the mouth of the pot, then shook his head and gave up.

"Drink more, your mouth is completely bursting."

Huang Yaomei handed the water bottle to his mouth, obviously very thirsty, but he was only willing to take two sips, isn't this drinking poison to quench thirst?How useful it can be.

"I'm not thirsty, drink it!"

Zhang Changshui looked back at her and smiled, sipped pure, the drops of water disappeared in an instant, he looked at Huang Yaomei with concern, she was also very hot, but she refused to drink a sip of water along the way, for fear of going to the toilet and causing trouble for himself.

He was so distressed that he didn't listen to persuasion several times.

"I'm not thirsty, I'll keep it for you, and I have to walk more than ten miles on the mountain road! The road up the mountain is very tiring."

What Huang Yaomei said was to keep all the water for you.

"Yaomei, drink some water, if you don't drink, I won't leave."

Seeing that she was stubbornly refusing to drink water, Zhang Changshui found a big tree and put her down. The shade of the tree could just protect them from the scorching sun, so he also took the opportunity to rest for a while.

"it is good."

Huang Yaomei had no choice but to unscrew the lid of the kettle, but she just moistened the water and refused to take another sip.

Zhang Changshui sat beside her, took off his hat, fanned the wind once and for all, and looked towards the mountain with his big black eyes.

The mountain is very green and high, and the stone steps seem to be able to reach the sky, and you can't see the end at a glance.

"Yaomei. Do you usually walk on your legs when you go out of the mountains?"

Looking at Yaomei curiously, isn't it too inconvenient to live in this big mountain?
"Yes, only walking."

Huang Yaomei nodded, because it was in the mountains and the road was not clear, so it was very blocked.

"However, if you go another way, the donkey cart can still go."

After Huang Yaomei finished speaking, she added another sentence, Zhang Changshui looked at her suddenly, since they can walk over there, why did they climb the mountain?

"However, the donkey carts in the mountains rarely go out, and the carts outside don't go into the mountains. If we take that road, we have to go around more than ten miles, and we won't be able to get home at night."

Huang Yaomei understood what he meant and explained to him with a smile.

How could she not know that he worked hard behind her back!But there is no way, who made her live in such a remote place.

"Is your engagement partner from your village?"

Zhang Changshui suddenly thought of a question.I said a lot when I came here, but I forgot to ask about it.

"He's in the next door village, not far from our village."

When Huang Yaomei mentioned that person, her eyes dimmed.

The family secretly engaged her in order to use her dowry to marry the second brother a wife.

Thinking about it makes me feel sad. She only keeps a few yuan for her monthly salary, and the rest is mailed back. The family still wants to exchange her for a bride price.

Have you ever thought about it for her?I heard that the man was in poor health, suffered from polio when he was a child, and had no strength to walk. The reason why my parents booked his house for me was because his family was in good condition and gave more bride price than other houses.

"I hope that after arriving at your house today, he will know the news. Let's stay for one night and return to work tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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