Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1854 A Family Without Family Affection

Chapter 1854 A Family Without Family Affection
He knocked the cigarette pot on the ground and asked hesitantly. "Who are you looking for?"

"Dad, I'm Yaomei! Can't you hear my voice?"

Huang Yaomei was very sad. When she was at home, her father didn't pay much attention to her. Now that she has been away from home for a few years, she can't even hear her voice.

"Yaomei? Are you really Yaomei?"

This time, Yaomei's father heard it clearly, and his eyes widened in disbelief. On his dark skin, the furrows and furrows at the corners of his eyes opened with his surprised expression.

"Yes, I am Yaomei."

Huang Yaomei burst into tears, and Dad finally recognized her.

I suddenly felt so wronged, as long as they agreed to divorce at the beginning, why would I have to suffer?

"How did you make it like this?"

Yaomei's father asked her with his eyes wide open, his voice seemed to be asking questions.

There is no element of concern at all, Zhang Changshui's thick eyebrows can't help but tighten, the girl is like this, and she should let her into the yard immediately after going home all the way?
How can there be any reason to ask questions outside the door, I don't feel sorry for Yaomei at all, is she their daughter or not?
"Comrade, can you go in and talk first? I've recited it all the way."

He didn't call him uncle or uncle, he just called him comrade, which alienated him a bit.

Who made him treat Yaomei badly? ?

The treasure in my heart turned out to be a grass in her house, which made Zhang Changshui angry, you don't love, I love, you don't love, I love.

"Oh! Come in and sit down, old lady, Yaomei is back."

Yaomei's father's face froze for a moment, and he took another look at Zhang Changshui, with some dissatisfaction in his eyes, and shouted into the yard.

"Yaomei, Mommy's Yaomei has come back to see me."

Mommy Yao stuffed the baby in her arms to the second child, stood up and walked out to the door, shouting, her eyes turned red.


Huang Yaomei cried when she saw her mother.

"How did this happen?"

When Yaomei's mother saw the girl's face, she was taken aback and didn't bother to cry, so she grabbed Yaomei and went to touch her face.

"I didn't pay attention during the training, the grenade exploded."

Huang Yaomei said what she had discussed earlier, tears fell naturally, she didn't have to pretend to cry, she really felt very uncomfortable.

It was really not easy to walk this way, she was afraid that she would become paralyzed, that would be too cruel.

"How could this be? My God, my poor Yaomei."

Yaomei's mother hugged Yaomei and cried, Zhang Changshui's anger was much less, and finally someone shed tears for Yaomei.

"Yaomei, didn't your unit give you compensation?"

The eldest brother stood up and saw his sister doing this, but he didn't think about her suffering, she almost lost her life.

Instead ask money first.

"That's right! Didn't the unit pay you for blowing you up like this?"

Yaomei and the second elder brother also stood up. He was shirtless and hugging the baby. The child didn't know men and women, so he ate it when he saw it. Come over and ask.

If he has money, his family's life will be easier. He wants to buy a bicycle, and if he has nothing to do, he can get the mountain products from the mountains to the city to sell, and save some private money.

"I made a mistake in my own operation, and the unit doesn't care."

Huang Yaomei looked at her two elder brothers coldly. She has enslaved herself since she was a child, and she is not like an elder brother at all.

"How can it be like this? As comrades, I want to ask your leaders here. My good girl was picked up, and I sent back a disabled one?"

(End of this chapter)

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