Chapter 1856 One husband is in charge
Huang Yaomei felt sorry for Zhang Changshui and couldn't care about herself, so she begged her mother to get Zhang Changshui to drink.

"Okay, I forgot all about that."

Yao Meima agreed, and yelled at the two daughters-in-law in the house: "Master, please cook some food, and the second family will bring out two bowls of water."

The status of the mother-in-law in the south is second only to the old man, and she has supreme rights over her daughter-in-law.

It's like the empress dowager in the palace, saying the same thing to her two daughters-in-law and arranging them at will.

"Boss, go to Li's house and call Yaomei's partner's father. Now that Yaomei is back, get married as soon as possible."

Yaomei's father gave an order to the eldest son, turned around and gave the old woman a hard look, and then gave the iron-blooded man dinner?Food doesn't cost money?

This look frightened Yaomei Mama so much that she didn't dare to speak, she looked at the room in embarrassment, and wanted to tell the eldest daughter-in-law to stop cooking, but she had already said it, and if she refused to do so, she felt that she would embarrass the daughter-in-law.

"Comrade! Since everyone has been sent back, if your unit doesn't take responsibility, our family won't keep you."

After Huang Yaomei's father sent his son away, he walked up to Zhang Changshui with his hands behind his back, and drove him away without saving any face.

"Dad, how can you do this? Don't give me a sip of water? Is it too much?"

Huang Yaomei raised her voice, since she was a child, this was the first time she had resisted her father like this!

"Bastard, have your wings hardened after being on the ice for a few years? Dare to yell at me, see if I don't hit you."

Yaomei Dad took off his shoes as he spoke, and beat his daughter to the head and face. He is the emperor of this family, who dares to talk to him like this?
"Stop, don't hit anyone."

Zhang Changshui grabbed his wrist, this is his future father-in-law, but at this moment, he has no respect for him at all, only anger.

Since Yaomei came back to now, he hasn't said a word of distress, which is already inhumane enough, and now he wants to beat his daughter?

"I beat my daughter, use your dog to get a mouse to meddle in my own business?"

Yaomei's father stared, trying to frighten Zhang Changshui with the way he treats his children. He tried to pull his wrist out, but it felt like he was caught in iron clamps and couldn't move at all.

"You let go."

He became anxious and yelled at Zhang Changshui.

"I said no."

Zhang Changshui's violent temper also came up, his eyes widened, and he said in a cold voice.

He exerted a little strength in his hands, and Yaomei's father grinned and wanted to shout, but when he saw the second daughter-in-law coming out with two bowls of water, he forced his voice back.

He has to maintain his dignity at home. Does he still have face when he yells?
"Sister Yao, let your comrade let go."

Yaomei was in a hurry and wanted to go to help, but seeing Zhang Changshui who was in the cold, she didn't dare to go there, so she hurried to push Huang Yaomei.

"Comrade Chang Zhang, please drink some water."

Huang Yaomei couldn't watch Zhang Changshui beat her father, she almost blurted out and called out Changshui, but when the words came to her lips, she forcibly held back.

Zhang Changshui let go of her father's hand after hearing Yaomei's words, but kept looking at him fiercely, and stood in front of Yaomei.

There is a posture of one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not opening.

Huang Yaomei's father didn't dare to hit Yaomei anymore, so he put his shoes back on his feet and found a step for himself.

"Your father-in-law will come over in a while, then shut up and don't talk."

After he finished speaking, he entered the room with his hands behind his back, and yelled at the eldest daughter-in-law who was busy in front of the stove: "You still cook after eating? Are you free?"

The eldest daughter-in-law looked at her mother-in-law aggrievedly, not daring to say a word.

"Comrade Zhang, drink some water!"

Seeing this, Yaomei pulled Zhang Changshui's hand sadly and brought him the water.

(End of this chapter)

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