Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1868 Dog bites dog 1 mouth hair

Chapter 1868
Angrily, he blew his beard and stared at him and cursed.

The villagers outside the courtyard roared with laughter. The farce was so funny that the dog bit the dog.

Neither are good things.

In the Huang family, Yaomei has worked hard for the family since she was a child. Now that she is injured and returned, the family can't accommodate her.

The Li family begged someone to marry their daughter back then, otherwise his son with polio would be like what the iron-blooded man said, who would give him a girl?
Seeing that Yaomei is injured and ugly now, it is really not human to ruin the girl's reputation and achieve the goal of retiring the engagement.

"Okay, two hundred and eight is two hundred and eight."

Old Li in the yard gritted his teeth and agreed, and if he didn't agree, the money would be gone.

Money is not the main thing, the son is a young man, and the old Huang's family really forced this paralysis to go to his house, so the son has the name of a second marriage, and it will be even more difficult to find a wife in the future.

Although what Zhang Changshui said was true, he was still trembling with anger when he heard others talking about his son.

Yaomei's fiancé burst into tears immediately, but did not dare to offend Zhang Changshui, and only pointed at Zhang Changshui with tears: "You bully people."

Zhang Changshui looked at him with raised eyebrows, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth [Yes, I just bullied you, what's wrong? 】

"His dad, let's forget it, just treat him like a piggy and feed it to the dogs."

"Yeah, just feed that piggy to the dog, do you really want to take the paralyzed man home?"

Old Litou's wife and matchmaker came over to persuade him that the good man would not suffer the immediate loss, and that he would get back this matter sooner or later, and get the money first.

What they said made the old Huangtou feel uncomfortable. The piglets have been raised and killed for meat, so they are not dogs in the mouth of the Li family?
Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Zhang Changshui picked up the pen and wrote a divorce letter, a document to sever the relationship between father and daughter.

"Is there a village chief outside?"

After Zhang Changshui finished writing, he looked out of the courtyard with sharp eyes and shouted.

Logically speaking, the village chief should take the initiative to stand up in this situation, so he decided that the village chief was useless and didn't care about food or clothing.

"Yes, I am the village head, and I just had diarrhea."

The village head is responsible for entertaining the Jun team, but because he doesn't want to offend people, he has been hiding to watch the excitement.

It was all on his own head, he had to come out, with a smile on his face, and he lied as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zhang Changshui didn't expose him, anyway, he left immediately, why offend others!
"Come here and be a witness and sign your name."

Zhang Changshui pointed to the two pieces of paper on the table and asked him to sign.

"I still need to sign it? They can do it themselves"

The village chief wanted to say that they can solve it by themselves, but seeing Zhang Changshui's suddenly cold eyes, he was so frightened that he held back his words.

Honestly, sign at the position of the witness. This word is written like a grass crawler (a kind of bug). If you don't look carefully, you can't recognize what is written?

"Press the thumbprint."

Zhang Changshui frowned. Vice Minister Zhou always said his calligraphy was ugly and forced him to practice calligraphy. Now that he saw the village chief's calligraphy, he felt that he was qualified to be a teacher.

The village chief had no choice but to press his fingerprints again.

"All of you, come here to sign and press your fingerprints. After everything is done, I will pay you."

Zhang Changshui looked at the Li family and the Huang family, and ordered in a cold voice.

"I have to see the money first, what if you trick me into signing?"

Old man Li won't scatter eagles if he doesn't see a rabbit, don't sign here, and don't give money over there, he still can't beat this ice guy, isn't he suffering from being dumb?
"Is it money? Yes, sign first."

(End of this chapter)

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