Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1901 We Really Love Each Other

Chapter 1901 We Really Love Each Other
Just as she was thinking, the door of Qu Lili's house opened, and the family of three appeared at the door.

Qu Lili looked haggard, wrapped in a coat, as if afraid of the cold.

"Uncle, aunt, Lili."

Zhao Jinchuan hurriedly stepped forward, stood in front of them, called out in a low voice, and looked at Qu Lili affectionately.

"What are you doing here? Haven't you hurt us Lili enough?"

Qu Lili's father lowered his voice and scolded him through gritted teeth. Unable to suppress the anger in his heart, he punched him.

Zhao Jinchuan gritted his teeth and looked at Qu Lili expectantly.

"Lili, I am sincere to you. For you, I am not afraid of death."

He showed deep affection like the sea, but he shouted, as if he was so great, and he was not afraid to sacrifice his life for love.

But Qu Lili's mother's face suddenly changed. This is the corridor. When he yelled like this, the neighbors who didn't know about Lili's scandal also heard it.

"Old Qu, let him in first."

She grabbed her husband and gave him a wink. Zhao Jinchuan saw it, and a sly look flashed in his eyes.

Qu Lili's father glared at Zhao Jinchuan angrily, and scolded him in a low voice: "Go away, don't let me see you again, or someone will break your dog legs."

"Uncle, I know you hate me, but I am sincere to Lili, I love her, please don't tear us apart."

Zhao Jinchuan protested loudly, acting bravely and fearlessly.

Qu Lili's eyes were full of tears, and she looked at him sadly, and she was moved by him again.I think he really loves me.

"Let's go into the house!"

Qu Lili's mother glared at him. This was intentionally for everyone upstairs and downstairs to hear. She felt that this young man was not a good person.

After entering the room, she hastily closed the door, pushed Zhao Jinchuan and cursed: "What are you doing here? My daughter had a bright future, but now you have ruined her reputation. How else do you want to harm her?

Qu Lili's father simply beat Zhao Jinchuan without saying a word, but he couldn't relieve his hatred with his hands.

"Let you harm others. If you don't come, I still want to find you. I will kill you."

Zhao Jinchuan covered his head and ran towards Qu Lili, he wanted to take advantage of her love for him.

"Lili, I want to be with you, don't go, marry me."

He knelt down in front of Qu Lili on one knee and proposed to her directly.

"Shameless, you still want to lie, you are a thief, can we Lili marry a scum like you?"

Qu Lili's mother was trembling with anger, picked up the leather shoes on the ground and hit him hard on the head.

"Dad, Mom, don't fight, we really love each other."

Qu Lili couldn't stand it anymore, she bent down and hugged Zhao Jinchuan, protecting him with her body.

"Damn girl, do you want to be ashamed?"

Qu Lili's father couldn't take it anymore, he begged his grandpa to sue his grandma before he arranged for Lili to transfer to another school, and he begged someone to keep the child in his womb.

Thinking of Zhao Jinchuan coming back to make troubles, they rushed to send Lili away.

If the two of you can't see each other, there's nothing to be afraid of.

It doesn't matter whether Zhao Jinchuan is arrested or expelled if they let their daughter take care of her body for a month and report in the second half of the semester.

It would be better to be arrested and sentenced. Such a scumbag doesn't deserve to stay in the school.

"Dad, I'm already his. If I don't marry him, who do you want me to marry?"

Qu Lili cried. She has been tortured for the past few days. The pain of aborting her child is something she will never forget in her life.

What scares me the most is what will I do in the future?Who wants a woman who has had children with another man?

(End of this chapter)

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