Chapter 1907

The siren of the police car sounded accompanied by the piercing sound of brakes. Zhao Jinchen stared wide-eyed as he watched his younger brother fly into the air like a kite and fall heavily towards the ground.

Three policemen got on and off the police car and ran towards Zhao Jinchuan who was knocked into the air.

Zhao Jinchen stared blankly at his younger brother's body twitching on the ground, with blood spurting from his mouth, watching the blood spread under his body little by little.

He mechanically moved his legs, and walked towards his younger brother step by step.

Zhao Jinchuan's eyes looked at his elder brother, blood was pouring out of his mouth, but his eyes were filled with a strong desire to survive, he stretched out his hand to his elder brother, and reluctantly said two words, "Help me."

Zhao Jinchen heard it, and wanted to grab his hand in the past, but Zhao Jinchuan's hand was hanging down powerlessly. His eyes, full of calculation and selfishness, stared fixedly at the sky, and gradually lost their luster.

"People are dead."

The police tried to breathe, and their faces showed anxiety. They received a call from the doctor to arrest the suspect, but unexpectedly they killed a person.

"Looks like he's...someone we're going to catch?"

The police took out a black and white photo and compared it with Zhao Jinchuan who was lying in a pool of blood.

"That's right, he is Zhao Jinchuan. I want to take him to surrender, but he refuses. Now he is dead."

Zhao Jinchen spoke heavily, stretched out his trembling hands, and helped his younger brother close his eyes.

If I had known that I would never die with peace in my eyes, why did I do bad things?

The police looked at each other speechlessly, and came to arrest the suspect, but they killed the suspect. What's going on?

Zhao Jinchuan was sent to the morgue, and Zhao Jinchen followed the police to send his brother into the freezer.

He silently covered his younger brother's once young and lively face with a white cloth sheet, and tears fell instantly.

It was an hour after Zhao Yaozu learned of his son's death, Zhao Jinchen needed to cooperate in recording a statement.

After everything was done, he went to find his father, Zhao Yaozu, when he saw the body of his second son, his eyes went dark and he fainted on the ground.

The mountains were high and the road was far away, so Zhao Jinchen and his father had no choice but to cremate Zhao Jinchuan in J City, and what they brought back were his ashes.

When Zhou Guifang saw the urn, she fell headfirst to the ground and fell into a coma for three days and three nights. After waking up, she cried out Zhao Jinchuan's name. The only answer she could get was the howling cold wind in the wild.

Lu Sihui wrote to Zhou Zixu about this matter. Zhou Zixu expected Zhao Jinchuan to be a bad student, but he didn't expect him to die.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it will be August in the lunar calendar, and I will give birth a month away from the [-]st. My belly is too big, and I have to stay at home to wait for the delivery.

Lu Sihui went over to take a look when she had time. Zhou Guifang lived in No. [-] house. She looked like she was ten years old, and she didn't talk to anyone.

But when the man came, he didn't say a word every day except cooking and cleaning the house, as if his soul died with his youngest son.

When you prepare a meal, you just put it on the table, and never ask No. [-] what you want to eat?This made No. [-] feel very blocked, but seeing her mother-in-law living like a puppet, she was very distressed, but there was nothing she could do.

Jin Chen is busy with work, and Aunt Zhao is indifferent to No. [-]. She is worried that there will be no one around when she gives birth.

As soon as he entered the room, he heard No. [-] moaning in pain from the east room, but he didn't see his aunt in the outer room, and he didn't know what she was doing.

Lu Sihui hurried into the room, and saw No. [-] clutching her stomach on the ground, moaning in pain, and her skirt was stained red with blood.

There were also scattered glass shards and water stains beside her.

Seeing this, Lu Sihui hurried over to help her up: "What's wrong with you on the [-]st?"

(End of this chapter)

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