Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1910 Are you so welcome

Chapter 1910 Are you so welcome
Suddenly, she felt someone behind her. Although there was not much noise, she still noticed it.

What is this man trying to do while sneaking behind him?
Lu Sihui's eyes suddenly turned cold, she turned around quickly, and rushed towards the people behind her with the sound of wind in her fists.

"Is that how you welcome me?"

A lazy voice sounded, and a handsome face comparable to a man's god was pasted in front of Sihui's eyes.

Looking at Lu Sihui's fist, he had already grasped it.

Lu Sihui smiled slightly, grabbed the other party's neck with one hand, rolled her eyes, and pulled the other party closer to her.

The familiar breath with a hint of tobacco smell invaded her breath, and the corners of her mouth raised in pleasure.

"Sneak attack on me? There is a price to pay."

She spoke very arrogantly, her clear water eyes were fixed on the other person's eyes, the arrogance in her eyes was the most touching, but her tone was threatening.

"Really? What price?"

Zhou Zixu held her hand, the brilliance in his bright peach eyes dimmed slightly, his Adam's apple rolled, and he stared at her aggressively, he didn't care about his daughter-in-law's threat!

After being separated for more than half a year, he missed the person in front of him to death. He dreamed of spending time with her, only to wake up and realize that it was a dream. Every time at that time, he would regret why he woke up?

Pulling over a chair with both hands, watching her busy in the kitchen, Ru Mo's deep black eyes shone with a dangerous light, she sat on that chair unwillingly, smelling the smell coming out of the kitchen, her eyes became more and more intense. dull.

Lu Sihui looked back at him and smiled, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and rushed over suddenly, wanting to give him a surprise attack.

Zhou Zixu saw her movement, his eyes sank, he didn't dodge, and looked at her indulgently.

Lu Sihui was full of posture, and when her fists really touched Zhou Zixu's chin, she stopped and looked up at him coquettishly, why didn't she know how to hide?
"Response ability has declined, unqualified." She pretended to be serious Xun Zixu, her brows were furrowed, like a teacher who dislikes students.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's serious look, Zhou Zixu couldn't help chuckling: "Sihui, it's really fun to put on a pose."

After finishing speaking, he pinched the tip of Lu Sihui's little nose, and rubbed her hair habitually. He treated her like a child.

His joking voice annoyed Xiaojiali, Lu Sihui bit his finger hard, and heard a gasp of air-conditioning in her ear, she pulled away with a smirk, and looked at someone covering her mouth with a smirk. Comrade pointing fingers.

Lu Sihui asked anxiously, "Are my teeth sharp enough?"

"not enough."

Zhou Zixu held his aching fingers, his eyes were like a bunch of gorgeous fireworks suddenly blooming in his eyes.

He strode in front of Sihui with big strides, grabbed a certain person who was smiling proudly into his hands.


Lu Sihui was alert immediately, but it was too late when she wanted to escape.

"Sihui, miss me to death."

Those hazy and charming water eyes, the way she stared at him intoxicated him, and he was really reluctant to part with her.

"I miss you as well."

Lu Sihui stopped being hypocritical, looked up at the man with perfect facial features, and said to him with a smile.

Although I go into the space capsule to see him every night, I can only see other people and cannot touch him. The more I do this, the more I miss him and the less I want to leave him. I miss it the most.

(End of this chapter)

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