Chapter 1912
Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui, and the victorious Sihui also bit her hard, looking at her mischievously, like a little tiger who refused to admit defeat, but Zhou Zixu was not a little sheep, but Wu Song, who specialized in tidying up tigers.

The door opened, and he just watched Sihui walk into the room with a big stab, he didn't care if there was anyone, the contest of strength between the two of them, neither one would admit defeat.

In the living room, Aunt Su saw the two people who were passionately crying, she was frightened and hid quietly to avoid confusing them and embarrassing Sihui.

Zhou Zixu has always been rebellious, he doesn't care if there is anyone in the room, she is his wife, who would dare to question it?

Zixu strode up the stairs, and the energy he had accumulated for half a year should be completely released.

Sihui is a person who doesn't care about the world, with her hands wrapped around her strong waist, just like Zixu, she only has the other person in her eyes at this time.

"Sihui, I miss you."

Zixu's hoarse voice sounded in the dark room. It has been more than half a year, and the feeling of missing her is so uncomfortable that now seeing Sihui, I still can't tell whether it is in a dream or in reality.

"I miss you too, very much."

Sihui’s low voice said that she missed him without hesitation. During the day, she was busy with work, but at night, she felt that the long night was long and the time was extremely long. She could only hug Zixu’s pillow and smell the scent that belonged to him. Unique breath, in order to sleep peacefully.

Half a year of lovesickness has turned into an omnipotent chat tonight. Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui are chatting tirelessly, enjoying a short but extremely sweet reunion. It would be great if they never separated

After the moon hid in the clouds, the stars all over the sky seemed to be happy for these two people, shining faintly.

Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui walked on the road, feeling in their hearts that this was the sweetest night in half a year.

Lu Sihui felt like she had a sweet dream, dreaming that Zixu came back, and said dotingly in her ear: "I love you."

Those three words seemed to have great magic power. When she heard them, she was drunk as if she drank mellow fine wine.

Lu Sihui suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the pitch-black roof, feeling annoyed in her heart, hated why she woke up, why didn't she have such a beautiful dream for a while longer?
There was a rhythmic snoring sound in her ears, and a familiar breath invaded her breath. Looking sideways, the watery eyes flashed brightly, and the corner of her mouth raised a happy smile.

It's not a dream, it's real, her Zixu came back, with one arm propped by her ear, smiling at Zixu who was sleeping soundly.

In his deep sleep, he was as quiet as an angel.

The perfect facial features are right in front of her eyes.

Lu Sihui couldn't help stretching out her hand carefully, and pressed her slender fingers against the wall, feeling a strange feeling in her heart, very warm.

It was as if the two had never been separated, and he was always by his side.

Zhou Zixu suddenly opened his bright eyes, looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile in the darkness, and grabbed her fingers that were too late to retreat.

A ruffian smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "What? Have you eaten?"

The joking voice made Lu Sihui blush, she glared at him, turned over and left the food for him.

The corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth raised a pleasant smile, and he liked to see her coquettishly whitening herself the most.

Looking at her shiny hair like a brocade, I don't know what my daughter-in-law uses to wash her hair. This hair is really good, he said with a smile.

"I've just finished eating, and I'm happy to accompany you."

(End of this chapter)

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