Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1915: An Extraordinary Person?

Chapter 1915: An Extraordinary Person?

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law amusedly, he was already sure that Jinchen's family was a son, why was she so nervous?
Although Lu Sihui trained Zixu, she took his words to heart, bought some wool, and let the robot knit a sweater without her having to work hard.

The couple rushed to the hospital and saw Zhou Guifang smiling with her grandson in her arms!
"Auntie, be happy! It's food."

Zhou Zixu walked into the ward and joked with a smile, his face was bright, but his heart was astringent.

I haven't seen her for a few months. My aunt seems to be ten years older. She used to have gray hair, but now she has silver hair.

If you don't have a smile on your face now, you will look older.

Losing a child in old age is a blow that most people can't bear, no matter how heinous it is, in her eyes it is the flesh that fell from her body.

"Zixu, Sihui, you are here."

Zhou Guifang looked at Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui with a smile, and Sihui saved the Zhao family again.

If Yihao and the child have any accidents, I must not have the courage to live anymore.

"Auntie, how is your ankle?"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Guifang's ankle, which was wrapped in a bandage!It looked serious.

"It's okay, it's just a sprain, it's not broken."

"Sihui, Zixu, you are here."

Number one was lying on the sickbed, and when she saw Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui coming in, she forced herself to sit up, with a smile on her pale face.

"Wen Qian, lie down. You can only lie flat after giving birth. Sitting hurts your waist."

Seeing her daughter-in-law's movements, Zhou Guifang hurriedly called her to stop.

"Auntie, I made this moon cake myself, don't hold it against me."

Lu Sihui handed Zhou Guifang the net bag in her hand, and she was also happy when she saw a smile on her face.

"Sihui's hands are really skillful."

Zhou Guifang couldn't pick up the baby in her arms, so Sihui put it on the bedside table for her.

"Auntie, I went to a Chinese medicine doctor and asked for medicine for bruises. You can try it, maybe you'll get better sooner."

Lu Sihui took out a wax-sealed honey pill and handed it to Zhou Guifang.

Zhao Jinchen is busy with work, if his aunt can't take care of the first confinement child, Uncle Zhao can't handle it himself.


Zhou Guifang took the pill with a smile, without doubting Sihui at all, opened the wax seal and put it in her mouth.

She really wants to be fine right now, she can't serve Wen Qian like this now, she feels that she is very useless.

Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui stayed in the ward for a while, helped the child change the diaper, bought food for aunt and No. [-], and then left.

"Sihui, where did you get the pills?"

On the way home, Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui suspiciously, and saw her giving medicine to others more than once.

So the question is, who gave her the medicine?

"An expert in the world, don't let me talk."

Lu Sihui had already thought of a speech, and said it calmly, Zhou Zixu looked at her suspiciously.

Lu Sihui drove calmly, without any unnatural expression.

Zhou Zixu withdrew his gaze and looked out the car window. The doubts in his heart had not diminished. Every time he asked Sihui, she would change the topic calmly.

Maybe there are people who are out of this world, and this kind of people really don't like to be disturbed.

However, since I and Sihui have been married for so many years, it is impossible for me to be unaware of this worldly expert.

Lu Sihui peeked at him out of the corner of her eyes, she was too silent, something was wrong.

Back home, Zhou Zixu was entangled by Swift, Lu Sihui carried out twin sons, Zhou Zixu held one in each hand, Swift was not happy.

Yuyan pouted and looked at Zhou Zixu aggrievedly, "Dad, is it because I'm a girl that you don't like me anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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