Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1919 A ​​Meeting on the Magpie Bridge

Chapter 1919 A ​​Meeting on the Magpie Bridge

Sihui's graduation also means that it's time to part. Although Zhou Zixu will be able to return to S City in four months, the two of them are still in a low mood.

Knowing their situation, the principal specially approved Zhou Zixu to send Lu Sihui to the train station.

He was given half a day off, and the young couple seized the time, found a guest house with firewood and fire, and had a meeting on the magpie bridge.

At the train station, Zhou Zixu kept sending Sihui into the station, but the train was gone, so he reluctantly returned to Junguan School.

After Lu Sihui left, Zhou Zixu devoted himself to his studies, and graduated with the best grades in the school four months later.

Because his performance was so good, he was directly promoted to deputy director, and became the leader of the division at a young age. When he called home, Mr. Zhou was the happiest.

Sun Tzu became the youngest deputy director.

Zhou Zisong was Zhou Zixu's superior at the beginning, and later became a minister. He was originally a higher rank than Zixu, but he was chased to be equal to him, and now he is one level higher than him.

In the past, Zixu had to salute him when he saw him, but now when it comes to his position, he has to salute Zixu in his work unit.

In the evening, Zhou Baichuan came home, with a rare expression of excitement on his serious face.

"Know the news?"

Old man Zhou played chess with himself. When he saw his son coming back excitedly, he raised his thick eyebrows, and his voice was full of teasing.

"Yes, Dad, Zi Xu has been promoted to deputy director."

Zhou Baichuan nodded with a smile, Zixu, whom he was least optimistic about, is now only two levels younger than him.

I think back when I was young, at Zixu's age, I was only a captain, and my son was more promising than him.

"Didn't you say that he was worthless all his life?"

Mr. Zhou raised his eyebrows and mocked his son. At the beginning, he didn't like Zixu, but now he is proud of it.

"At that time, he was not good enough, and he changed after he met Sihui."

Embarrassment flashed across Zhou Baichuan's cold face, he glanced at his father, why did he bring up old things when he was happy.

When Lu Sihui entered the door, she just heard her father-in-law boasting about her. The expression on her face did not change, but she was very happy in her heart.

"Sihui is back, and Zixu has been promoted to deputy superior. Are you happy?"

When Mr. Zhou saw his granddaughter-in-law, his attitude was much better than that of his son, and he smiled and announced the good news to her.


Lu Sihui smiled, she would not say, Zixu called her first.

"He'll be home tomorrow night. Tomorrow, I'll be resting. I'll go to the mountains and grab a robe for him. Zixu loves barbecue."

When Lu Sihui mentioned Zixu's name, she couldn't hide the smile on her lips. He hasn't arrived home yet!I just wanted to make something delicious for him.

"Okay, grandpa can follow suit again."

Mr. Zhou clapped his hands and laughed, and gave his son a sideways glance. He also loves barbecue, but he never praised Sihui.

At this time Zhou Baichuan was surrounded by four little guys, all looking for him to hug. Zhou Baichuan, who was always calm and steady, was also flustered.

The next day, Lu Sihui got up early in the morning and went directly to the inner mountain of Gushantun.

Don't want to waste time, just send the robot out to catch rabbits, robes and pheasants.

It is really a luxury for a robot from the last days to be used by her as a hunting dog.

When the robot makes a move, it is naturally easy to catch.

When Zixu came back, she naturally wanted to treat guests. When she came back, she went directly to Jinchen's house and called the couple. Uncle Zhao and Zhou Guifang were also there, and they all brought them to Zhou's house. They would have a reunion dinner tonight.

In addition, Huang Yaomei and Zhang Changshui had to be called. Yaomei gave birth to a girl. Lu Sihui could imagine that when Zixu saw Yaomei's daughter, his eyes would shine and he would make an appointment for his son.

(End of this chapter)

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