Chapter 1928 Lucky Vest
"Don't worry about it, I will tell you one thing when you come back safely from the station."

Lu Sihui's clear eyes looked at Zhou Zixu quietly, she couldn't say it yet, after all, she needed the space capsule and needed it to protect Zixu.

The robot once said that the secret cannot be told, otherwise they would not exist.

What she wasn't sure about was whether she would be taken away if the space capsule no longer existed.

"Sihui, are you hiding something from me?"

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui with burning eyes, he wanted to know now and didn't want to wait until he came back.

Because if he doesn't come back, wouldn't it be impossible to know forever.

"I can't say it yet, believe me, this vest can really save your life, if you don't believe me, you bring a weapon, I put it on, and you fire."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu with painful eyes, and dared not tell him what was in his heart. When life and death were parting, he doubted himself instead.


Zhou Zixu glared at her, how dare he let his wife take risks?
"Have I lied to you?"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu, her watery eyes suddenly darkened, and flames were seething inside.

At the critical moment, Zixu didn't believe her.

"Okay, I believe you, but you are absolutely not allowed to make fun of your own life."

Seeing Lu Sihui's angry face, Zhou Zixu took a deep breath, he surrendered, believing her was just a word, he dared not let her make a joke of his life.

"Okay, you take this pill too."

Lu Sihui took out another pill, looked at Zixu with watery eyes, and handed the pill to his mouth.

"And what is this for?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law amusedly, he was going to fight, what's the use of taking vitamin pills?

"Supplementary nutrition."

Lu Sihui saw the helplessness in his eyes and forced him to swallow the pill.

"All right!"

Zhou Zixu saw the stubbornness in his daughter-in-law's eyes, and knew that if he didn't eat, she would not give up.

Swallowing the pill honestly, reluctance and nostalgia twitched in her pitch-black peach eyes.

Who wants to leave home if possible?
The needs of the country are everyone's responsibility, not to mention that he is a man of iron and blood, and it is his mission to defend his family and the country.

"Come back alive."

Lu Sihui put her arms around his neck, pulled his head in front of her, and kissed his thin lips domineeringly.

"it is good."

After a long time, Zhou Zixu let go of her reluctantly, and promised her in a deep voice.

"Let's go, wait for me."

Zhou Zixu let go of his wife, took a breath, turned around abruptly, opened the door and left.

He was holding the lucky vest Sihui gave him in his hand.

In Zhou Zisong's room, Li Yanhong hugged him and cried, refusing to let go.

"Yanhong, be obedient, take good care of grandpa and the children, I will come back alive."

At this moment, the cold and hard man's heart was also soft. He hugged his wife vigorously, opened the door and walked out quickly.

"Morning, brother."

When I went out, I met my younger brother with the same dignified expression, and he was saying hello to himself.


Zhou Zisong nodded to him, the eyes of the two brothers met, and they could see encouragement in each other's eyes.

"Brother, this is the lucky vest that Sihui made for us. If you put it on, the bullets will not hit us."

Zhou Zixu handed over a self-defense vest, Zhou Zisong frowned, he was not superstitious, he didn't like it.

"No, there's no need for that."

"Put it on, or else Sihui will be wasted."

Zhou Zixu stubbornly threw the vest to him, regardless of whether it was useful or not, he still wanted to get lucky when he went to the stand.

"it is good."

Zhou Zisong looked into his younger brother's eyes, nodded, took the vest, but did not put it on, just holding it in his hand.

"Brother, don't be obedient and obedient. As a superior, I order you to put it on immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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