Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 210 I admit defeat, I surrender

Chapter 210 I admit defeat, I surrender

Zhou Zixu was quite busy with work at work today, so he didn't have time to pick up Li Sihui. After he came back, he was worried and went to the county to look around. He saw that everyone's doors were locked, so he came back.

The headlights flickered, and he saw a thick figure. He jumped up and grabbed the tree trunk. After a second look, he realized that it was his elder brother.

He hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car, put his hands on his lips, and yelled loudly at Zhou Zisong.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Zhou Zisong had just chosen the branch he wanted to grab when he was startled by his younger brother's cry, so he let go of his hands and jumped off.

"It's okay, I'm practicing the parallel bars."

He replied lightly, and walked towards the door with his slender and powerful legs.

"Practice parallel bars on tree trunks?"

Zhou Zixu scratched his head, his elder brother's thinking was always not in the same gear as his.

"Brother, I have a raincoat."

Seeing his eldest brother walking in the torrential rain without a raincoat, Zhou Zixu quickly caught up with him.

"no need."

Zhou Zisong waved his hands, rejected his brother's kindness, and strode to the front of the house.

"I have the key."

Zhou Zixu hurriedly took out the keys, but it was still a step too late, the eldest brother had already opened the door and entered the house.

"Brother, can't you let me show off?"

Zhou Zixu followed into the house and found that he didn't care what to do?They are all one step slower than big brother.

"What are you showing? You take out the keys so slowly, and I still have to stand in the rain and wait for you?"

Zhou Zisong cast a sideways glance at his younger brother, his voice already cold and emotionless.

"Are you my big brother?"

Zhou Zixu looked at him with dissatisfaction. His elder brother loved his younger brother, so he praised him for nothing.

his elder brother.
In my memory, I have been young and mature since I was a child, and I have never given him a smiling face. Again, there is only criticism but no praise.

"I doubt it too."

Zhou Zisong said something lightly, took off his hat, and wiped the rainwater off his face with his big hands. Seeing the raindrops dripping on the floor, he strode towards the bathroom.


Zhou Zixu was so choked by his elder brother that he couldn't speak, he took off his raincoat and threw it on the ground angrily.

"Zixu, the raincoat should be taken off at the door, look, you wet the floor."

Aunt Su heard the sound of the door opening, just in time to see Zhou Zixu throwing his raincoat angrily, and seeing a puddle of water on the ground, she said something to Zhou Zixu in dissatisfaction.

"Aunt Su, I didn't do it alone, and my elder brother."

Zhou Zixu protested dissatisfied, why the two made a mistake and blamed him.

"I see yourself."

Aunt Su has been with his family for almost 20 years. It can be said that she watched Zhou Zixu grow up and treated him as her own child, so she didn't hesitate to speak.

"Well, you have the final say, I made it up, I was wrong."

Zhou Zixu threw himself on the sofa, as if I admit defeat, I surrender.

"are you hungry?"

Aunt Su put the raincoat at the door and wiped the water on the floor with a mop. When she saw Zhou Zixu lying on the sofa and pretending to be dead, she knew that this was the young master's temper again.

She asked with a smile, but she left something delicious for him.

"I'm paralyzed from hunger."

Hearing that there was something to eat, Zhou Zixu sat up abruptly from the sofa, looking at Aunt Su with a smile on his sparkling eyes.

"Aunt Su loves me the most, what delicious food did you leave for me?"

"Tamaled pork, rice, and white fungus soup are all your favorites."

Aunt Su gave Zhou Zixu a loving look, treating him as her own child.

"Then what are you waiting for? Didn't you hear the empty city plan in my stomach?"

Zhou Zixu put his arms around Aunt Su's arm with a smile, and led him all the way to the kitchen door, with his arms around his chest, leaning on the door frame and watching Aunt Su warm up the dishes for him.

"Aunt Su, do you still have the roe deer meat that the little girl brought today?"

(End of this chapter)

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