Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 218 Contradictions

Chapter 218 Contradictions
"It was supposed to, but you scared it away."

Li Sihui threw away the stone in her hand and turned to look at Zhou Zisong calmly.

His raincoat is still at her house, I don't know why?She just wanted to return it to him with her own hands instead of giving it to Zhou Zixu.

"Really? Then. Do you need me to help you catch it?"

The corner of Zhou Zisong's mouth twitched, the girl was still relying on him.

"I don't mind if you can."

Li Sihui showed a faint smile, she thought it was impossible, unless Zhou Zisong used to fight, but he had to have it.

She was suddenly curious, wanting to see how he justified himself.

Zhou Zisong listened to Li Sihui's words, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and the girl was not polite.

He took out the slingshot in his hand and walked out of the car with long legs.

Looking up at the magpies flying freely, the target is huge and it is not difficult to hit.

I calculated the distance in my mind, picked up a stone on the ground, threw it up to measure the weight, and then, under Li Sihui's surprised gaze, pulled the rubber band of the slingshot.


The stone flew out with a strong wind, Li Sihui squinted his eyes to look at the stone, and watched the magpie shoot it, it no longer flaunted its might, and fell headfirst.

"I can't see that you still play with this kid's toys."

Li Sihui went to pick up the magpie, looked at it, she was not dead, but just knocked out.

"I bought this for my son to play with, but I didn't give it to him because I was afraid that he would break the glass in other people's houses."

Zhou Zisong raised the slingshot in his hand. When he was a child, he was good at everything, slingshot, darts, and basically hit the target with every shot.

After he was selected to train in the security department at the age of 16, he was also a well-known fast player in the team and never missed a shot.

"Your son?"

Li Sihui tilted her head and thought for a while, that pretty little boy didn't find anything that looked like him.

The man in front of him gave people a cold feeling, and if he got close to him, he would be frozen to death.

And that little boy, with a healing smile on his face, is more or less the son of Zhou Zixu.

"Yes, my son, he... likes you very much."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Zisong's mouth, and when he talked about his son, his eyes were all kind.

For some unknown reason, he said that his son liked Li Sihui.

After he finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong with what he said, and he returned to his serious and cold face.

"Really? I like him too."

Li Sihui glanced at him, the corners of his mouth seemed to twitch just now?But looking at it now, she should be dazzled, this man seems to be born unable to laugh.

"Send you back!"

Zhou Zisong glanced at his watch. It was getting late. It was not safe for Li Sihui, a grown girl, to walk on the road by herself.

Besides, he also plans to go to Kaoshantun, so let's take her with him!

Li Sihui hesitated for a moment, wanting to reject him like she rejected Zhou Zixu, but after seeing the worry in his deep eyes, she didn't say the rejection, nodded silently, opened the car door and got in the car by herself.

Zhou Zisong stood for a while, then turned around and strode into the car to start the engine.

"Do you come back so late every day?"

When the car started, he suddenly asked.

"Neither, but in the future."

Li Sihui's answer was contradictory. Zhou Zisong glanced at her in the interior mirror, but didn't ask any more questions. He drove the car silently, and the car was completely quiet.

"It's like this. I learned singing from Teacher Wang. I have to take the entrance examination for the art troupe. I can't learn it in the county art troupe. I can only go to her house to learn at night."

Li Sihui, who was always reticent, suddenly felt that the car was too quiet, so she couldn't help explaining to Zhou Zisong.

"Oh, you want to take the unit's art troupe?"

(End of this chapter)

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