Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 227 That's My Charm

Chapter 227 That's My Charm
He searched all the way up the mountain, but he didn't find Li Sihui's figure. He was anxious and shouted.

"Li Sihui, where are you?"

In the silent mountain, his voice echoed in the forest, and the nocturnal owls and unknown mountain birds in the forest were disturbed by the sound and flew away one after another.

After shouting several times in a row, Zhou Zixu stopped calling, and calmed down to listen.

As soon as Li Sihui reached Neishan, she heard Zhou Zixu calling her, she was embarrassed, and went straight into the space capsule.

"Go catch me a rabbit."

Sending out the robot, she used thermal induction to find Zhou Zixu's location.

Suddenly she found a very strange thing, two figures could be seen moving in the inner mountain, and one figure was moving in the outer mountain.

She frowned. Could it be that there are people in the village who want to go hunting in the inner mountains?

This is not impossible, after all, I am afraid of poverty.

But these two people are obviously not together, they are a little far away.

And she found that there was a strange electric wave. She couldn't understand it. How could there be electric waves when going hunting in the mountains.

"Test it, what kind of radio wave is that?"

Li Sihui gave orders to the space capsule. She didn't pay attention to it before, and they always shot the prey they ate that day and left.

Seeing the jumping screen in the space capsule, she didn't care about it, and took out the venison jerky in the space capsule to eat when she was hungry.

Soon the capsule responded: "Radio waves were found."

Li Sihui frowned. How boring is this person, who even brings a radio when he goes hunting in the mountains?
But I haven't heard of anyone in the village with a radio?Could it be that she is ignorant?

This was a small episode, she didn't take it to heart at all, she just thought that she must be more cautious when going into the back mountain in the future.

At this time, the robot is carrying a rabbit back to the space capsule. There are many living things in Neishan, so it is not a problem for the robot to catch a wild boar, but in that case, she can't justify herself.

Carrying the hare out of the space capsule, Zhou Zixu's shout sounded again from the mountain. Hearing the hoarse voice, he didn't know how much effort he used.

Shaking his head and sighing, he knew his approximate location anyway, and ran down the mountain with the rabbit in his hand.

"Stop shouting, wolves have a better voice than you."

Li Sihui ran all the way, and when she ran to Zhou Zixu's side, she was out of breath and shouted at him angrily.

In the middle of the night, he was afraid that no one would know that he had entered the mountain?

One could imagine that there would be rumors in the village tomorrow that Li Sihui and the man had gone to the mountains.

They could use the wildest imagination to describe her as a shameless woman.

"Where did you go? I can't find you and worry."

When Zhou Zixu saw Li Sihui, his heart dropped.

"What's the hurry? Nuo, the meat for tonight is available. I'll roast it for you."

Li Sihui shoved the lively rabbit into his hand, and left as if she was throwing away the shopkeeper.

"How did you catch it?"

Zhou Zixu followed her with the rabbit in his arms. He was keenly aware that something was wrong.

"Thank you, ghost howl, ghost howl, this rabbit was frightened and crashed into a big tree, I picked up a cheap one."

Li Sihui replied calmly, there was no trace of laser snatching, so she could say whatever she wanted.

"Is this all right?"

Zhou Zixu looked at her back in disbelief. If he was shouting so loudly, he would come and shout every day to help her beat more rabbits.

"Call again tomorrow, maybe I can catch a wild boar and marinate it."

Li Sihui told nonsense in a serious manner, since it was dark anyway, he wouldn't be able to detect her nonsense.

"That's because I'm attractive. By the way, is this rabbit male or female?"

Zhou Zixu was amused, and started joking with her again.


"How do you know it?"

(End of this chapter)

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