Chapter 230
Zhou Zixu looked at the kitchen knife in disgust, but didn't reach out to pick it up.

"Why, are you a big man afraid of killing rabbits?"

Li Sihui glared at him, Zhou Zixu was silent, he didn't like Li Sihui looking at him with contemptuous eyes.

"If you kill, you can kill, but you can't use a kitchen knife, I use a small knife."

He took out a knife from his waist and hung the rabbit on the big tree. Looking at the dying rabbit, he hesitated.

"Can't let go?"

Li Sihui hugged the tripper and threw it to the ground, seeing him staring at the rabbit and refusing to make a move, she satirized him.


Zhou Zixu uttered two cold words, reached out and grabbed the rabbit's ears, and stabbed the rabbit's neck with a knife.

There was blood in front of him again, he still couldn't pass the psychological test?
The image of my mother lying in a pool of blood appeared before my eyes again, and my heart suddenly tugged, and I gritted my teeth hard to suppress the surging sadness.

Seeing the rabbit kicking its legs, he stabbed it several times until it could no longer move.

Silently peeling, the movement was quick and neat, as if to vent.

"Forget it, let me come!"

Li Sihui noticed his silence and felt that his mood was a little sad. What she thought in her heart was, does a man still sympathize with this little rabbit?
Going over to take the knife, Zhou Zixu silently returned the knife to her, lit a cigarette by himself, leaned against the fence wall and looked at the bright moon in the sky, and his mother stared at him in the night sky with gentle eyes.

The trustworthy people in the village can't sleep right now, that handsome brother guard hasn't left yet, shouldn't he be spending the night at Li Sihui's house?

Lonely men and widows, they don't shy away from it.

"Look at your daughter, wild men are coming to your door, can your ancestors of the old Li family jump out of the grave in anger?"

Liu Jingyun took a handful of melon seeds and ran behind the big tree to watch the fun. Li Laogen naturally followed. Hearing her words, Li Laogen looked at Li Sihui resentfully.

Damn girl, you have meat to eat every day, and you don't say you are filial to him as a father?
The other villagers who liked to watch the excitement also gathered under the big tree, intending to see if Zhou Zixu would live in Li's house.

Li Sihui worked quickly, and soon the rabbit was cleaned up. Naturally, the intestines and stomach were not wanted, so they took them all out and threw them away.

Then take a big pot, marinate the rabbit with salt and special spices, and start stumbling over there.

The flames were weak at the beginning, but they were ignited by the wind.

Li Sihui clapped her hands, looked up under the big tree, there were quite a few people standing, and with a sneer, they would regret watching the fun after a while.

Put the rabbit on the stove hook and clamp it on the wooden frame. When the fire is burning, the meat will make a crackling sound.

"Sit down and wait, it will be cooked in a while."

Li Sihui greeted Zhou Zixu, he looked a little strange tonight, as if he was full of thoughts.

However, she attributed all these to his being frightened.

Seeing him killing rabbits, how does he look like a guard?
The man with a cold face appeared in front of his eyes. He probably beat someone, but his eyes were too sharp.

"Do you think I'm useless?"

Zhou Zixu flicked the cigarette, and the half of the cigarette rolled and flew under the big tree.

When those people saw a trace of fireflies flying over, they were frightened and quickly dodged to avoid it.

"I think you have something on your mind."

Li Sihui didn't laugh at him, it was actually Zhou Zixu at this time, looking very sad and sullen.

"No matter what happened? People have to live. To live is to see tomorrow. It's useless to think about what happened yesterday."

Li Sihui's voice is so soft that only the two of them can hear her. She is also talking about herself. In the last days, it is common to be hungry. It is the happiest.

"I don't know you anymore." Zhou Zixu chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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