Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 243 What do you want to do?

Chapter 243 What do you want to do?
Li Sihui was already fully alert, and she watched Dr. Xing's actions calmly.

From discovering him in the space capsule to now, she has become more and more suspicious of this man, but she still wants to test it out to see what he wants to do?
"You should tie the ginseng with a red string first, otherwise, the ginseng will run away when digging."

Seeing Li Sihui staring at him all the time, Dr. Xing frowned, his hand was still in the basket and he didn't take it out, but let Li Sihui go to other things first.

"you teach me."

Li Sihui didn't move, she took a step back, and the keen sense acquired from fighting zombies in her previous life told her that danger was coming.

"You go first! I have to find tools."

Seeing that Li Sihui was so alert, Dr. Xing put the basket on the ground, squatted down and began to search.

Li Sihui took a few steps back, kept a safe distance from him, and then stood facing him.

"Why don't you tie the red string?"

Dr. Xing stood there looking at him when he saw her, stood up helplessly, and asked her with a puzzled expression.

Li Sihui glanced at his hands, which were behind his back, she couldn't see what was in his hands.

"Doctor Xing, show me the tools, I want to know what to use to dig ginseng?"

Her face was cold, and her eyes were even colder. Dr. Xing frowned. Is this a rural girl?Why is the alertness so strong?
"I didn't know there was ginseng here, so I didn't bring any tools. Let's tie a red string and dig again tomorrow."

Dr. Xing smiled slightly, and took another step towards Li Sihui.

"You demonstrate."

Li Sihui replied blankly, but did not walk in front, and kept facing Dr. Xing so that he could see his every move.

Dr. Xing took a deep look at her, with a gentle smile on his face, nodded, and walked towards the ginseng.

Li Sihui still looked at him cautiously, when passing by her, his hands were still behind his back, she still didn't see what he took?
"Li Sihui, look behind you, there is a poisonous snake."

When Dr. Xing was only two steps away from her, he suddenly stopped, screaming and looking behind her.

Maybe he was frightened, but his voice was broken.

Li Sihui didn't move at all, still looking at Dr. Xing coldly.

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that you must not move when there is a poisonous snake around, but he asked her to look at it?

Ordinary people have to say at this time: "Don't move, there is a poisonous snake behind you."

"Doctor Xing, please help me beat it away."

She looked at him keenly, raised one corner of her mouth, and handed him the ball.

"I dare not move."

Dr. Xing frowned, showing a timid look.

"Oh, then I'll hit it."

Li Sihui smiled, and took a step back. She was not afraid of poisonous snake bites, and the system would naturally detoxify her.

"Don't walk backwards, it's dangerous."

Dr. Xing yelled at her, but saw Li Sihui rushing towards him quickly, she had already rushed to his side in a daze.

He reacted quickly, he quickly dodged aside and raised his hand.

Li Sihui smelled a smell of medicine, hurriedly held her breath, and kicked Dr. Xing's lower abdomen, sending him flying several meters away.

It was clear now that he was holding a handkerchief.

"what are you doing?"

Dr. Xing covered his stomach with a pale face, and looked at Li Sihui with accusing eyes.

"I should ask what you want to do?"

Li Sihui didn't need to look back, she also knew that there were no poisonous snakes at all, she coldly stared at Dr. Xing, he tricked herself into turning around, there must be a conspiracy, glanced at the handkerchief on the ground, she walked over slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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