Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 249 Why Should I Answer You?

Chapter 249 Why Should I Answer You?

In her previous life, she only cared about her grandpa. After his death, she was lonely and lived a difficult life. She spent every day in loneliness and panic. She really wanted to have a relative who could accompany her and talk to her.

In this life, her younger brother made her feel this way again. Seeing him cry made her feel depressed. Seeing him happy made her feel that it was worth all the effort.

Shaking her head, she didn't want this kind of concern, and with concern, it was inevitable that her hands and feet would be tied up.

But she was greedy for this family affection, this brother's dependence on her.

It's so contradictory, she doesn't want to think about it.

She lowered her head and continued to deal with the pheasants, when she heard the courtyard door rang, followed by a tall shadow blocking her eyes.

"It's you?"

Li Sihui raised her head and saw that it was Zhao Jinchen. When she saw him, she couldn't help but frown. She had never liked him, and her voice was impatient.

"It's me, what did you do in the mountains today?"

Zhao Jinchen stared at Li Sihui coldly. He only knew what happened when he heard Aunt Liu chatting with someone under the locust tree?
"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Li Sihui annoyed him the most by asking questions, and she was not his prisoner, so why would he come here with her so often?

"Answer honestly."

Zhao Jinchen furrowed his brows deeply, looked at Li Sihui even more sharply, and there was a chill in his voice.

The coercion emanating from his whole body was like a mountain pressing down.

"Why should I answer you?"

Li Sihui raised one corner of his mouth sarcastically, who does this man think he is?

From the first time we met, he stood at the highest point of morality and accused her, and now he came to ask himself, it was too much.

"Because I am a man of iron and blood, and you are suspected of being a villain, you must answer honestly."

Zhao Jinchen took a step forward and looked down at Li Sihui with an unquestionable order in his voice.

"What is a bad guy?"

Li Sihui felt strange when she heard it, she had to figure it out first, and looked at Zhao Jinchen frankly, waiting for his answer.

"Since you didn't tell the truth and are still here trying to get away with it, don't blame me for not being sympathetic. Come with me to the brigade."

As soon as Zhao Jinchen said that, he came forward to arrest Li Sihui, without any sympathy.

"Get off."

Li Sihui waved his hand away and looked at him with disgust.

"Are you crazy?"

After cursing, he stopped talking to him and continued to pluck chicken feathers.

Zhao Jinchen didn't see a trace of panic in her eyes, unless she was a villain who was good at acting and hid deeply, it was impossible for her to be so calm.

"Brother Zhao."

Li Jianguo came out of the room with a plate, and when he saw Zhao Jinchen's adoring eyes lit up, he shouted excitedly.


Zhao Jinchen snorted through his nostrils, looked at the mushrooms all over the ground, and the pheasant in Li Sihui's hand. She probably knew why she went to the mountain without saying anything.

But his doubts about her didn't ease at all. The last time she rescued herself was in Neishan, and it was midnight. What was she doing as a little girl in the mountain?
There are many wild animals in the inner mountain, and there are also many poisonous snakes. Because it has not been popular for a long time, the inner mountain still has a gloomy feeling even in the daytime.

Timid men dare not enter the mountain alone. He has been following her for the past few days and found that she enters the mountain almost every two days. The most suspicious thing is that every time she enters the mountain, it is when suspicious radio waves sound .

Once is a coincidence, twice, and three times is definitely not a coincidence.

"You have to go with me and go to the unit to explain the situation."

Zhao Jinchen stared at Li Sihui majestically, his voice was completely unquestionable, he had to go if he went, and he had to go if he didn't go, there was no room for negotiation at all.

(End of this chapter)

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