Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 251 Trapped in the Iceberg

Chapter 251 Trapped in the Iceberg
Zhao Jinchen stopped and glanced at his father, and when he saw him gesturing to himself with his eyes, he knew that he had something important to say and that he was behind Li Sihui's back.

But he didn't have time to listen now, so he waved his hand at Zhao Yaozu: "Dad, what's the matter, let me talk about it when I come back, it's urgent now."

After he finished speaking, he took big strides and left. Zhao Yaozu stomped his feet anxiously, but couldn't speak in front of Li Sihui, and watched the two of them leave the village one after the other.

On the way, Li Sihui was like an iceberg, breathing out cold air, maintaining hostility towards Zhao Jinchen.

Zhao Jinchen gave her a complicated look, he really didn't want her to be the bad guy he had been trying to catch.

It's far away from the unit here!Zhao Jinchen didn't drive, so he could only take her to see his leader Zhou Zisong, and asked him to take her to the unit for interrogation.

Li Sihui followed behind him, and the more she walked, the more familiar the road became, and finally she stopped: "Where are you taking me?"

"See my leader."

Zhao Jinchen's voice was cold, and in the night wind it sounded like ice was hitting his face, and his attitude was completely business-like.

Li Sihui glanced at the direction, and it was Zhou Zixu's house to go further. Is he going to take her to see him?

I remember that these two seemed to be friends, but she wanted to see, what would Zhou Zixu say when he saw her?
The two fell into a cold silence again, one was preoccupied and the other was angry, both were thinking about their own thoughts.

Soon at the gate of the family building, Zhao Jinchen handed over his ID and asked to see Zhou Zisong, and Comrade Shao went to call Zhou's family.

The lights at the gate flickered, and a jeep drove out of the compound, looking very anxious because the speed was very fast.


After seeing Zhao Jinchen and Li Sihui, the jeep braked suddenly.

"Zhao Jinchen, why are you here?"

The car window was rolled down, revealing Zhou Zisong's tough and cold face. While talking to Zhao Jinchen, he raised his eyes to glance at Li Sihui, and then moved away lightly.


Zhao Jinchen took a step forward and told what happened tonight and his doubts.

"Is she the suspect girl you mentioned?"

After Zhou Zisong listened expressionlessly, he glanced at Li Sihui again, his voice was low, and he couldn't hear any emotion.


Zhao Jinchen nodded, slipped his Adam's apple, and didn't look at Li Sihui.

"Get in the car, go to work, my brother also caught one, see if they know each other?"

Zhou Zisong nodded, stopped looking at Li Sihui, and waved his head to let them get into the car.

Li Sihui was simmering with anger, did not expect Zhou Zisong to pretend not to know her?
Just get in the car and see what they want to do with themselves?At worst, she hides in the space capsule, who is afraid of whom?

Zhou Zisong glanced at Li Sihui from the rearview mirror. The little girl was very angry, with anger in her eyes, she ignored everyone, and looked out the window as soon as she got in the car.

This is the woman who can make my younger brother swear to win him?If she is really a bad person, it will be too scary.

A woman who can confuse my younger brother has never appeared before!

The car drove away quickly, and when the doorman came back from the phone call, there was no one at the gate.

This girl has cheated on him for the second time, and if he does it again, he will not call her again.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to return to the guard room and call Director Zhou's home.

Zhou Zisong had a cold face all the way, and the air pressure in the car became chilly. Li Sihui felt as if she was trapped in an iceberg, which was very uncomfortable.

Soon we arrived in a closed courtyard, and there were comrades guards standing at the door, all holding electric batons in their hands.

Li Sihui took a second look, and felt that it was a bit like the spaceship in her previous life, but the facilities were a bit behind.

What did you bring her here for?
(End of this chapter)

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