Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 258 You Can Chapter Home

Chapter 258 You Can Go Home
Zhou Zisong said in a low voice that he wanted to take a look in person.

Zhou Zixu's office was not far from his, and he walked there for only a few minutes, but he walked very slowly and hesitantly.

What should he say to Li Sihui?
"You are not suspected, you can go back."

"You can go, don't make any noise about today's affairs."

"Pay attention to secrecy?"

It feels like no matter what you say, Li Sihui will look at him coldly and won't give him a good face.

This girl seemed to be more like ice cubes than herself, her eyes were very beautiful, but also very cold.

"Sihui, just tell me what you like, and I will draw for you."

Zixu's voice came from the room. It was the first time that my younger brother was so attentive to a woman. Has he really grown up?

"No need, I just want this eagle."

Li Sihui's voice was still so calm and cold.

that eagle?Zhou Zisong's eyes flashed, he liked the eagle painted by his younger brother very much, and asked for it tentatively, but he refused to give it to him. He said that the eagle was himself, and he would not give it to anyone except his woman.

Standing at the door, he felt that he was not suitable to go in, so let Zhao Jinchen come over!
Turning around and leaving, the conversation in the room was still going on, but he didn't want to listen anymore.

"Go and let her go!"

Back in the office, Zhou Zisong gave Zhao Jinchen an order.


Although Zhao Jinchen was puzzled, he didn't ask. Obedience to orders is the bounden duty of security personnel.

Turning around to go out of the house, when closing the door, I saw Zhou Zisong staring out the window in a daze, what was he thinking?

In the room, Zhou Zixu had just taken the eagle off the wall when someone knocked on the door.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled at Li Sihui: "Guess who?"

"do not know."

Li Sihui doesn't have a sense of humor at all, there are so many people here, where can she guess?
"Okay! Let me guess, it should be my elder brother or Zhao Jinchen, you can go home now."

Zhou Zixu didn't care about her confusion, and still joked with her with a smile.

Li Sihui looked at him, and was not troubled with him, he always had a sunny smile on his face.

Nodded: "Just look at it."

She didn't wait for Zhou Zixu to move, and went to open the door by herself. In her opinion, Zhou Zixu had both hands occupied!She was doing him a favor.

Zhou Zixu shook his head with a smile, looked at her fondly, and carefully placed the picture of the eagle on the table.

Looking into Xiongying's haughty and sharp eyes, he took a deep breath, bid farewell to yesterday, and started anew, he will be completely reborn and let Sihui fall in love with him.

"Zixu Li Sihui?"

Zhao Jinchen thought that it must be Zhou Zixu who came to open the door. After all, this is his office. Why didn't he expect that Li Sihui would come to open the door?
He looked at her in embarrassment, and after calling her name, he saw her looking at him with cold eyes.

The rest of the words were frozen all of a sudden, his face was slightly flushed, he hurt her again.

"Jinchen, can Sihui go home now?"

Zhou Zixu finished the scroll, looked up and saw Zhao Jinchen standing stiffly at the door, and smiled to help him out.

"Yes, she is not suspected."

He just wanted to say that the suspicion was cleared, but facing Li Sihui's sarcasm, he temporarily changed it to no suspicion.

The smile on Zhou Zixu's lips grew stronger, his starry eyes looked at Li Sihui, and winked at her, which meant, you see, I'm right!You can go home in no time.

"That's good. I know that the clean is clean. I told you all. It's just a waste of time. Sihui, I'll take you back to the village. Do you want Jin Chen to go back together?"

(End of this chapter)

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