Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 260 Changed 1 person

Chapter 260 Changed a person
"I'm home, why don't you call me?"

He was watching intently, Li Sihui felt the car stop, and opened those beautiful eyes with stubble.

Dissatisfied, he asked Zhou Zixu.

"I can't bear to wake you up and let you sleep longer."

Zhou Zixu smiled softly, took the clothes handed over by Li Sihui and put them on silently.

Such a silent appearance made Li Sihui a little unaccustomed to it. After looking at him twice, he found that there seemed to be a touch of sadness hidden in his eyes.

"I got out of the car."

She didn't want to ask about his past, everyone has their own secrets, just like herself.

"Okay, I'm going back, take the painting."

Zhou Zixu nodded, pointing to the eagle picture on the back seat.

"Okay, thank you."

Li Sihui leaned forward and took the painting in his hand, glanced at him again, and thanked him softly.

Close the door and leave.

"You're welcome, there's no need to say thank you between you and me."

Zhou Zixu whispered something himself in the car, and watched Li Sihui enter the house before he started the engine and left.

"Sister, you are back, I am so worried about you."

Seeing his sister coming back, Li Jianguo jumped off the kang, and he didn't dare to sleep until she came back.

"Well, go to sleep! My sister is going to put this picture on the wall."

Li Sihui replied indifferently, without looking at her younger brother, she was looking for a place to post a picture on the wall.

"I'll help you."

Li Jianguo hurried over to please, he took paste, Li Sihui frowned and looked at it, reluctant to use paste.

Finally, forget it.

"When I find someone to frame it, the painting will be blinded by pasting like this."

Taking out the pinyin alphabet written by Zhou Zixu, she handed it to Li Jianguo.

"This is the pinyin table written by your brother Zhou. I can read it. I will teach you these two days."

"Great, sister, Brother Zhou is so kind."

When Li Jianguo mentioned Brother Zhou, his eyes lit up. His appearance changed the plight of her family. He liked him.

"Well, he's good."

Li Sihui thought for a while, nodded and said something, took off her shoes and got on the kang, ready to sleep.

This time we parted with Zhou Zixu, it took only a week, and he seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he never appeared again.

Li Sihui didn't care about him for the first two days, but after a week passed, she began to worry about him.

The main reason is that this person didn't come for two days, and three days early, he got used to dangling in front of her eyes, and every time he came, he either brought her something to eat, or brought her something to use.

Also, every time he saw her, he bared his teeth. He was used to teasing her, as if it was fun to give her a blank look.

Shaking his head, that man was a big boy, but he couldn't see him for a few days, so it was really a waste of money.

These days, Li Sihui went to the field to earn work points during the day, and in the evening, she went to the county to learn from Teacher Wang. Every time she went, she would bring some wild game. Anyway, there were plenty of them in the mountains. She borrowed flowers to present Buddha and respected the teacher.

Li Jianguo was not as good as Li Sihui in learning. It took Li Sihui a week to teach him the pinyin before he learned to memorize it.

However, he is still relatively knowledgeable, which is good.

"My sister is going to the county, you should study hard at home."

In the evening, Li Jianguo felt a little disappointed when he saw his sister was about to leave again.

"Look at our things, don't let them."

Li Sihui was just about to say don't let that Li Laogen cheat her away, when she saw Zhou Zixu push open the door of her house and walk in.

I haven't seen him for a week, but he has darkened a lot, his skin has turned into a wheat color, the hippie smile in his eyes has disappeared, and he has become more sharp, and his whole aura seems to be a different person.

Seeing him appear, Li Sihui's heart seemed to drop to the ground, and the corner of her mouth raised an arc that she didn't realize.

(End of this chapter)

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