Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 276 How Can I Win Him?

Chapter 276 How Can I Win Him?
"It hurts too much."

Zhao Yuying burst into tears from the pain. She practiced lower back and splits every day, and she felt that her waist and legs were going to be broken.

"If you want to pass the exam, don't be afraid of pain."

Fang Fang stood aside and looked at her fiercely with his arms folded, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

This damn girl must have lied to her!A few days passed in a flash, and she never saw Zhou Zixu's shadow again.

She had a purpose in helping her, she was bound to win that Zhou Zixu, only a man like that was worthy of her.


Zhao Yuying gritted her teeth and insisted, sweat dripped from her head, her lower back was painful, and the split was even more painful. The pain was so painful that she wanted to cry.

"The art team has lower back and splits in the exam. It depends on your body coordination, whether it is soft or soft enough. You are too stupid. You have to learn the basic skills for so long. If you want to learn a dance, I guess the time for the exam will not be enough."

Fang Fang looked at her fingernails, and said with sarcasm.

A girl from the countryside can't bear any hardships, so she still wants to be admitted to the art team?

It's better to farm at home honestly!

"Sister Fang Fang, why don't you teach me the dance moves, and then I can practice at home."

"Okay! By the way, why hasn't your cousin come to see you recently?"

Fang Fang nodded her head in agreement, and turned her eyes to Zhou Zixu as soon as she rolled her eyes.

"Recently, the superior unit has a big competition, and he is exercising."

Zhao Yuying hurriedly told the news she heard from her elder brother, looked at Fang Fang anxiously, and found that she was looking at her with more and more suspicion recently.

She doesn't know how long she can act?
"Is that so? No wonder! Where does your cousin live? Why don't you take me to his house. The exercise is very hard. I want to make some chicken soup for him."

Fang Fang smiled, and her gaze fell on Zhao Yuying's eyes. Everyone said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and this Zhao Yuying is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Her eyes were too active, especially when she mentioned Zhou Zixu, she moved even faster.

"My cousin's house is in the cadre's family building. Comrade guards are watching closely. My uncle is the head of the unit. Ordinary people can't go to his house casually."

Zhao Yuying sat up straight, swallowed her saliva and looked at Fang Fang. She found that it was becoming more and more difficult for her to deal with her.

"Is that so?"

Hearing that Zhou Zixu's father is a minister, Fang Fang's eyes lit up, he is a high official!If she could really marry Zhou Zixu, not only would she bring out the glory, but she would also be beautiful when she said it!

"Yes, I can't usually go, usually my cousin comes to my house."

Seeing that she believed her, Zhao Yuying lied even more, except that Zhou Zixu's cousin's identity was wrong, she didn't lie.

"Okay then, let's practice quickly. I'll teach you the red silk dance. You can 100% get admitted to the propaganda art team, but you have to remember, I also want to join the art team."

Fang Fang suddenly put her face in front of Zhao Yuying, smiling brightly, but what she said made Zhao Yuying want to slap her.

It would be disgusting for Li Sihui to rob Zhou Zixu with her, but now Fang Fang is here to eat swan meat?


Smiling and nodding, let's coax her first!It is more important to be admitted to the art team.

Zhou Zixu ended his training after reaching the first goal, and went to take a shower with the toiletries. At this time, the hot water was almost gone, and he was also used to taking cold showers. When he was a child, he punished himself, but when he grew up, it became a habit.

Thinking about the next event in his mind, fighting, the elder brother claims to be the undefeated myth in the system, how can he beat him?
It's just that ordinary fighting events are at most a tie, because no matter where the big brother fights, he always wins and wins.

Putting his hands on the wall, Li Sihui with a stern face appeared in front of him, and he smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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