Chapter 278

Mr. Zhou's question was not what he answered. He liked that girl not because she was good-looking, but because that girl could make his grandson regain his confidence and cheer up.

"She is coming?"

Zhou Zixu's eyes flickered for a moment, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This girl must be here to deliver meat, and she doesn't want to owe him any favors. This feels a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, but Zixu, she said she was the fat girl who gave wild honey before, I don't look like that at all? Besides, Doctor Tang said that she only has one year to live, is she all right now?"

Mr. Zhou didn't want his grandson to just walk out of the shadows and become depressed because of the girl's departure.

He knows best, don't look at the smiling faces of the grandson and the little girls, who seem to be glib, but he has never had a heart with any girl, he has closed his heart.

It was that girl who opened his heart lock, and his grandson knew that he was really moved by her.

"Grandpa, her illness has been cured, don't worry!"

Zhou Zixu knew what his grandfather was worried about, so he patted his hands showing his veins, and explained to him with a smile to reassure him.

"That's not bad, you kid changed because of her, right?"

Grandpa Zhou smiled, as long as his grandson is not sad.

"Grandpa, if I want to be worthy of her, I have to work hard. In the past, I...I always felt that I caused my elder brother to lose his mother, so after so many years, I think I have been punished enough. I should cheer up. I Mom doesn't want her son to be depressed either."

Resoluteness flashed in Zhou Zixu's starry eyes, and he looked at the night sky outside the window. From the day he made the decision, he was no longer the previous Zhou Zixu.

One hoped to attract Dad's attention with his laughter and cursing, hoping that he could see himself in his eyes.

Now is the time to give myself an explanation. It was wrong to do that before. It was simply abandoning myself and making my father hate him even more.

"Ha, my grandson is not good enough for her?"

Mr. Zhou didn't like his grandson belittling himself. In his eyes, Zhou Zixu was perfect. His appearance, size, and family background, how could he not be worthy of that little girl?

"Grandpa, she is different from other girls, I like her."

Zhou Zixu smiled, showing a mouthful of white and neat teeth. Whenever Li Sihui was mentioned, he remembered the scene when the two met for the first time.

A chubby girl stared at him stubbornly, without any fear in her eyes, even when Doctor Tang said that she would not live long, she could smile calmly.

It seemed that from that moment, this fat girl fell into his eyes, and what he wanted was her uniqueness.

"I also quite like that girl, she is not pretentious, not twitchy, she is generous, and she is quite close to me."

Speaking of it, old man Zhou was also happy, he felt that the girl had a special charm, otherwise she could attract his rebellious grandson?
There are many girls in the courtyard who like Zhou Zixu!See who he has changed for?
"Really? She looks cold, but she actually values ​​friendship, Grandpa, let me tell you."

Speaking of Li Sihui, Zhou Zixu's chatterbox opened up. In his eyes, Li Sihui has no shortcomings.

"Haha, is that right? He didn't die by hanging? His life is big enough."

"Huh? There is such a father? This girl is pitiful."

"Really? She's going to take the entrance exam for the art team. That's not bad. There will be more chances for you to meet."

Listening to the legend about Li Sihui, old man Zhou looked at his grandson in shock, and he didn't feel bored anymore. He had a long talk with Zhou Zixu, and the old man's exclamation and emotion came from time to time in the room.

Unbeknownst to the two people in the room, someone was standing at the door listening to their conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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