Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 286 Don't look at favors, only look at ability

Chapter 286 Don't look at favors, only look at ability

Fang Fang saw Li Sihui and Zhou Zixu coming out together, jealousy flashed in her eyes, but she still walked over to ask her with a smile.

"Don't know yet, but she's doing well."

Zhou Zixu answered before Li Sihui, not wanting to give Fang Fang a chance to cause trouble.

Li Sihui glanced at Zhou Zixu and didn't say a word. Anyway, he wouldn't harm her. She didn't even realize that, where did her trust in Zhou Zixu come from?
Fang Fang gave Li Sihui a jealous look. Zhou Zixu actually accompanied her into the examination room and even helped her speak. He didn't know how much he defended her like that, as if he was afraid that he would bully her.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Fang Fang smiled awkwardly, her eyes rolled in their sockets, she could only watch Zhou Zixu take Li Sihui away, but she couldn't make any more entanglements.

Zhao Yuying stood in front of Zhou Zixu's car with a dull expression. She was in a trance just now, and didn't notice when Zhou Zixu left?
When she regained her composure and wanted to find him, he disappeared.

She hurried out to look for the car, and found that the car was still there, so she felt more at ease, but for fear that Zhou Zixu would leave, she left her alone, regardless of the bright sun, and just waited here.

When she saw Zhou Zixu and Li Sihui walking out of the examination room together, her eyes were red. She failed the exam and needed comfort, but Zhou Zixu went to accompany Li Sihui.

Isn't she just prettier than yourself?Putting on a bad face all day long, as if everyone owed her, what attracts Zhou Zixu to such a woman?

"Li Sihui, how did you do in the exam?"

He hated to death in his heart, but forced a smile on his face, and went to test Li Sihui.

The man was snatched away by her, so don't let her go to the art team, or she will hate her even more.


Li Sihui glanced at her, thinking of the unease she felt when she left the examination room before, she knew that she was not sure if she could pass the exam.

He didn't mention that he had passed the exam unanimously, but just responded with two words indifferently.

As for what Zhao Yuying would think?She doesn't care.

"Brother Zhou, just talk to me! My elder brother is not at home, otherwise I will ask him to beg you. You promised at the beginning."

Zhao Yuying bit her lower lip, looking at Zhou Zixu with red eye circles, she can only play the soft one now, and Zhou Zixu won't eat the hard one.

"What I promised was to give you a chance. Now I have given you the chance. The promise ends here. If you don't pass the exam, it's because you don't work hard. The security department is a key unit. It doesn't depend on favors, but on ability."

Zhou Zixu looked at Zhao Yuying with some disgust, he said this more than once, why did she use Zhao Jinchen to suppress herself over and over again?
Even if Jin Chen came to ask himself, the answer would be the same, and he believed that Zhao Jinchen would not be able to ask such a question because of his character.

"Brother Zhou, are you going to send her back to the village? If so, take me with you! I sprained my ankle just now dancing."

Zhao Yuying looked at Zhou Zixu pitifully. She was actually injured, but it wasn't her ankle, but her big thigh. pain.

Now it hurts even to take a step. She is very sensitive to pain, that is, delicate. It takes nearly two hours to walk home, and she is afraid of getting tired.

"Get in the car!"

Zhou Zixu frowned, because he was concerned about Zhao Jinchen's face, but the seat next to him must belong to Li Sihui, Zhao Yuying was not qualified to sit.

Zhao Yuying watched jealously as Zhou Zixu opened the door for Li Sihui, but she had to open the rear door to get in the car by herself. It felt like she was a little maid, and Li Sihui was Zhou Zixu's princess.

(End of this chapter)

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