Chapter 290 Overqualified

Li Sihui picked up chopsticks and prepared a large piece of Duo Shuo. The mutton steamed bun was really delicious, and she wanted to try it out.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a sip of soup, a magnetic and joking voice came from behind.

"Cough cough."

Accidentally, she choked and coughed while covering her throat.

Zhou Zixu hurriedly patted her on the back, regretting that he had frightened her by making a sudden sound.

"Be careful, don't sneak away when you are eating soup."

"It's not you, like a ghost, that frightened me."

Li Sihui stopped coughing, her little face flushed, and she gave Zhou Zixu a reproachful look. This man is so elusive that he walks without making a sound?

"Hehe, didn't I hear the conversation between the two of you? I asked out of curiosity."

Zhou Zixu sat down opposite Li Sihui with a smile, took off his hat, put his arms on the table, and stared at Li Sihui with bright black eyes, his eyes were full of smiles.

But that smile was a bit narrow-minded, and also a bit joyful.

Li Sihui couldn't understand. Don't open your eyes and look out of the window. There are many people on the street, and they are all dressed in rustic clothes.

The hairstyle is very single, and the elderly women wear short hair with ears tied and pinned behind the ears with hair clips.

Young girls wear braids, some with two braids and some with one braid. The colors of the clothes are more monotonous, mostly gray, and blue, yellow, and black, which are very monotonous.

There are bold ones who dare to wear red. Green ones are quite tacky.

"Let's eat! Steamed mutton won't taste good if it's cold."

Seeing Li Sihui no longer seeing herself, but looking out the window with interest, the smile in Zhou Zixu's eyes disappeared, and he straightened his back and began to eat seriously.

Li Sihui then withdrew her gaze from the window, just now to ease the embarrassment, otherwise he would chase after that topic and ask, even if she had a thick skin, she would feel embarrassed.

"Mutton steamed buns need to be broken into small pieces, the smaller the better the taste."

Seeing that she seemed to be eating at home, Zhou Zixu held the bun in one hand and drank the soup with a spoon in the other. He shook his head, reached for the bun in her hand, and broke it into small pieces for her.

Li Sihui looked at it seriously, at the beginning she still looked at the bun, but then her eyes gradually changed.

It turns out that the man's hands are also so good-looking. His fingers are really long and the hand shape is also good-looking.

Such a pair of beautiful hands were breaking buns for her, which seemed like an overkill.

The sun was shining on his hands, and it looked a bit like his hands were glowing.

"Eat it! Make sure you like it."

After Zhou Zixu finished breaking, he pushed the rice in front of her, talked to her with a smile, picked up his own steamed bun, and started breaking.

Li Sihui was not in a hurry to eat, but admired it. When this man was serious, he looked like he didn't have the usual hip-hop look, his brows were slightly frowned, and his eyes were dark and deep. Looking at it this way, he looked a bit like his elder brother, with eyes full of Bottomless, so you can't guess what he's thinking now.

"Eat! See if I can be a meal?"

Zhou Zixu smiled, raised his eyebrows at Li Sihui, Li Sihui's eyes were dazzled by those white teeth.

Why are this man's teeth so white?I really doubt that he used light waves to wash his teeth.

Pick up the spoon and start eating the steamed buns. Not to mention, they are very delicious, and they are easy to swallow in your mouth without chewing.

"Is it delicious?"

Zhou Zixu was not in a hurry to put it in his mouth. He watched Li Sihui take a bite with a satisfied expression on his face, so he asked with a smile.

"It's delicious. I can make it if I have the materials."

"Really? Next time I buy ingredients, you come to my house to cook for grandpa, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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