Chapter 296

Before he ran into the woods!Hearing Zhou Changjiang's screams like killing a pig, his sword eyebrows were raised, and he said that Sihui would not suffer, and she was right to deal with it.

"Hey, Lao Li, look at your daughter, and Zhou Changjiang have both rolled into the pit, how lacking are men?"

"That's right! Everyone is busy trying to catch the autumn, but she is good, busy seducing men."

"Son, what's wrong with you? Did she get kicked by you?"

Liu Jingyun first jumped out to slander Li Sihui, standing at the edge of the pit condescendingly looking down at Li Sihui who was covered in dirt all over her face, her words were heartbreaking.

Zhao Cuihua crossed her arms and looked at Li Sihui gloatingly, and said something even worse, calling her shameless.

Zhou Changjiang's mother felt sorry for her son, watching him clutching his hands and screaming below, while Li Sihui was still beating him with her fists, she jumped into the pit anxiously, holding Li Sihui desperately.

"I fought with you."

"Stop it all, what's going on?"

Zhao Yaozu was furious, cursing with ashen face.

Grabbing the autumn is the most important thing, but Li Sihui and Zhou Changjiang are fighting with each other here.

The big girl is not like a girl, and the young man is not dignified.

"Sihui, are you okay!"

Zhou Zixu pushed away the people surrounding the pit, stretched out his hand to pull Li Sihui, and saw that her head was covered with dirt, her face was as cold as frost in the twelfth lunar month, and her fists rained down like Zhou Changjiang.

Even being hugged by Zhou Changjiang's mother, she did not forget to kick his head with her feet.

When Zhou Zixu saw the shovel in the pit, he immediately understood that she had been plotted against.

Otherwise, you won't be angry like crazy.

Li Sihui was indeed mad with anger, staring at her eyes from being hit by Zhou Changjiang, her eyes were still clouded with dirt, and she was in unbearable pain.

The most angry thing is that she was lured into a trap by them like hunting, and was almost buried alive. If she couldn't get out of this anger, she would explode.

People lose their minds when they are angry. At this time, she seemed to be desperately fighting with zombies in her previous life, trying to beat Zhou Changjiang alive.

Zhou Zixu's voice undoubtedly poured cold water on Li Sihui from her angry and irrational state.

Looking up to the side of the pit, there were people's heads all over the place, and only one person stretched out his hand to her.

"Come up."

Seeing the anger in Li Sihui's eyes, Zhou Zixu called her in a low voice, with distress in his eyes.

Li Sihui panted heavily, glanced at Zhou Changjiang who had been beaten by her, only breathing out but not breathing in, breathed out a long breath, and handed Zhou Zixu his hand.

"Son, my dear son, open your eyes and look at mom."

Zhou Changjiang's mother cried and threw herself at her son, why is he motionless?Is it dead?Damn girl, this is a deadly move.

"what happened?"

At this time, Zhao Yaozu could also clearly see Li Sihui's embarrassment, her hair was full of dirt, her clothes were filthy, one eye was blinking non-stop, and tears were streaming down her face.

"He dug a trap here. Mrs. Liu said that my brother was dragged into the woods by Zhou Changjiang and Li Guozhu. I was afraid that he would suffer, so I rushed over to find my brother. Unexpectedly, I fell into the pit as soon as I entered the woods. He wanted to be buried alive. I"

After Li Sihui calmed down, she told what had happened, Zhou Zixu's expression became colder the more he heard it, is this going to destroy Sihui?

He looked at Zhao Yaozu coldly, this is a big deal, he will not allow Zhao Yaozu to let this scum go again.

"Village chief, this is not a joke. It is killing people. There is a shovel in the pit, that is evidence, and there is Mrs. Liu! Come out, why are you calling Li Sihui? Are you involved in this matter? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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