Chapter 301
Li Sihui looked at the village chief, repeating the old saying, this is an opportunity to arrest Zhou Changjiang, he insisted that he wanted to scare her, and he did not cause any serious harm, so he might be released within two days.

Why not take this opportunity to completely draw a line with Li Laogen.

"No, I don't agree with that."

Li Lao was still pretending to be cowardly at first, and immediately jumped up to object when he heard his daughter's words.

This involves his vital interests. As long as Li Sihui and Li Jianguo don't change their surnames, they will be his sons and daughters at any time. After he dies, they will have to wear sackcloth and mourning. He can ask them to take care of him when he is old and immobile.

Changing his surname proves that he agrees to sever ties with them. As for Li Guodong and Li Lanni, who can control themselves?

Even if it was Liu Jingyun, if he was paralyzed on the bed and couldn't move, she would have to kick herself out of the house, and it would be impossible to take care of him.

Therefore, in this matter, he said that he could not promise anything.

"Well, don't blame me for the village chief. He didn't agree. We can only send Zhou Changjiang and Li Guodong to some department."

Li Sihui didn't remember what name Zhou Zixu said, and frowned and hesitated.

"Law enforcement department, Sihui, don't worry, I promise to put them both in jail, no one can protect them."

Zhou Zixu immediately helped her with the rest, and he cooperated quite well.

He knew in his heart that Li Sihui really wanted to change his surname, and he didn't want to admit that he was the child of that irresponsible and useless man.

It's just that Li Sihui's words are small, and Liu Jingyun is not afraid. The village chief doesn't let her stand out, and he refuses to send people to the city, so she can't get up.

But it's different with Zhou Zixu here, he is someone with a background, and the captain of the security department came forward to report to the official, that's a sure thing.

For Liu Jingyun, she knew best what her son had done. When her daughter Li Lanni was discussing with her son, she heard it, but she didn't stop it.

But I didn't expect Zhou Changjiang to be so useless. He was caught by Li Sihui and bitten out his son. If he was sent to the city for further investigation, her daughter would not be able to keep her.

Thinking of this, he panicked, went over and kicked Li Laogen, stared at him, and squeezed out a threat from his teeth.

"If my son is taken away, we will be enemies in the future, and I will pack up and leave immediately."

Li Laogen held back the word "no" that he was about to say, and looked at Liu Jingyun with a mournful face.

"If I agree to them changing their surnames, they will have nothing to do with me in the future. If you don't want me anymore, how will I live in the future?"

He is still reluctant to part with this woman, who told him that he still needs that!How can the long night pass without a woman by my side?
"With them without me, with me without them, you choose."

Seeing that Li Laogen still wanted to hold back, Liu Jingyun smiled sternly. She was already against him, but seeing him now felt even more disgusting.

What she said was not a threat. If her son was taken away, she would immediately take her daughter away.

He's not that old, he's in his 40s, and if he goes to another family, he'll be better than this wretch.

Li Laogen looked at her with some despair, after several years of husband and wife, she has no feelings for him at all?
On one side was the cold-eyed girl, and on the other was the eccentric woman. He didn't know how to choose, so he stood on the ground rubbing his hands in circles.

"Sihui, I don't think these two people can be tolerated. Don't worry, if you send them to the city, they will punish them severely."

Seeing this, Zhou Zixu didn't look at her, but told Li Sihui firmly.

"No! Uncle Li, didn't he just change his surname? Originally, you were the son-in-law who stepped in, and the child you gave birth to should be named Lu. I beg you, let them change their surname!"

(End of this chapter)

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