Chapter 305

Li Guozhu took a step back. In his eyes, Li Jianguo was his servant who bullied him casually. Now that the servant wanted to rebel, he naturally didn't want to be beaten by him.

"Come on, grab Li Guozhu."

Zhao Yaozu yelled, he was still dawdling at this moment, when Li Sihui changed his mind after a while, he would have to squat on the fence.

"No, Mom, I can't be beaten by this bastard."

Li Guozhu is a middle-aged man who wants face. He was beaten by Li Jianguo in front of the whole village. How will he behave in the future?

Zhou Bashi and a burly man held him down, unable to struggle, so he called for help to his mother.

"Stop hitting, hit me, hit my head office, okay?"

Seeing her son being pinned down, Liu Jingyun was heartbroken, rushed to Li Sihui and slapped herself, hoping she would change her mind.

If the son is beaten in public, how will he find a wife in the future?
"Jianguo, do it."

Li Sihui didn't even look at her, she was willing to slap herself, she was happy to hear it.

"Yes, Jianguo, like a man, I will take you as a guard in the future, and see who can bully you?"

Zhou Zixu also chimed in. He was watching the excitement and was not afraid of big troubles. If he could do it, don't quarrel. First clean up the other party and let him go around the next time he sees you.

Li Jianguo swallowed his saliva, closed his eyes, not looking at the threat in Li Guozhu's eyes, and slapped him with his hand.

"Don't stop, keep going."

Seeing that her younger brother wanted to stop, Li Sihui gave him an order.

"it is good."

After playing for the first time, Li Jianguo felt that the backlog of fear in his heart was gone, and he felt extraordinarily refreshed.

So Lun rounded his arms, opened his bow left and right, and opened the gate with hatred. Naturally, the strike was not light. Venus stared in front of Li Guozhu's eyes and his ears were buzzing.

"Tell you to bully me, tell you to beat me, how about it, is this comfortable? Does it hurt?"

"Crack, snap, snap"

Li Jianguo was slapping his mouth and thinking about it, as if to encourage himself, the more the beating became heavier, the corner of Li Guozhu's mouth was bleeding, and he opened his mouth and spit out a big tooth with blood.

"Sihui, is it okay? If you hit again, you will die."

Seeing that he was bleeding, Zhao Yaozu couldn't help feeling worried, and came over to discuss with Li Sihui.

He didn't even notice that he used to speak domineering orders, but this time he was discussing with Li Sihui?

"Okay, Jianguo is going to wash his hands and beat his dirty hands."

Li Sihui took a look at Zhao Yaozu and felt that it was almost done, so she yelled at her younger brother, but what she did was amazing, and the last thing she said was to insult Li Guozhu.

"Son, my poor child."

After Li Jianguo stopped, Zhou Shi let go of Li Guozhu, and he sat limply on the ground. Liu Jingyun rushed over to hold him and cried bitterly.

"Those who want to bully our siblings in the future will end up like this today. I, Li Sihui, are not afraid of trouble. As long as you dare to play, I will dare to accompany you."

Li Sihui glanced at the crowd, speaking very arrogantly.

There's no way, she's been pretending to be honest for too long, and the villagers thought she was a jerk.

Finally, her eyes fell on Zhao Yuying's face, and she raised her eyebrows and smiled at her. Her smile was so cold that Zhao Yuying couldn't help shivering, and squeezed into the crowd.

I was afraid that Li Sihui would catch her and knock out her big teeth.

"Okay, let's all go to work, grabbing the autumn has become a farce, and reflect on each of them."

Zhao Yaozu felt that he had lost face, so he waved his hands to drive the villagers to work, and it was about to break up.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Zhou Zixu called out to him with cold eyes, "Uncle Zhao, wait a minute, there is still one thing to do? Did you forget?"

(End of this chapter)

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