Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 307 This Smiling Tiger Is Too Difficult

Chapter 307 This Smiling Tiger Is Too Difficult

On the way home from the village branch, Li Sihui had turned into Lu Sihui, and Li Laogen's name finally disappeared from the household registration.

"Sihui, I'm here to tell you good news. Your art team notification letter has come down, but I have to take it back right away, because it says Li Sihui."

Zhou Zixu took out the notification letter from the art team, the smile in his eyes disappeared now, why did he forget this important matter?

"Then can I still go to the art team?"

Lu Sihui didn't understand the charter of the art team, but it was just a change of surname, why couldn't she join the art team?

"You go home first, I'll go to the village chief to issue a certificate, and I'll help you with the rest, you can wait for the news at home!"

Zhou Zixu frowned and thought deeply. The work unit had already issued a notice to the art team. If Sihui went to sign up, she would have to transfer her household registration to the art team. There would be many things involved if she suddenly changed her surname here.

In this way, Zhou Zixu turned back to the village branch, blocked the village chief who was just going to the field, and asked him to issue another certificate.

"You already knew that she had brought the notice, why did you insist on changing her surname?"

Zhao Yaozu got angry and felt that Zhou Zixu was teasing him.

"Uncle Zhao, it's like this. When I came here, I didn't expect that people in your village almost killed Sihui, and I didn't expect that her own father would treat her like that, so I forgot about it. Do you want me to take Zhou Is the Yangtze River sent to the law enforcement department? You know what role Zhao Yuying played in this matter. The reason why I didn't do it too badly was entirely out of Jin Chen's face, otherwise your daughter would be punished."

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a sneer, and didn't want to issue a certificate for himself?Then let's see who surrenders in the end?

"What did my daughter do? Don't talk nonsense."

Zhao Yaozu knew in his heart that Yuying was involved in this matter, but he still refused to admit it.

"Uncle Zhao, let me tell you, your daughter has also joined the art team with my help this time. The notice may arrive in a day or two. If something goes wrong at this time, she will go to the art team."

Zhou Zixu didn't finish the rest of the sentence, with his hands behind his back, he looked at Zhao Yaozu meaningfully.

The meaning is very obvious, if Sihui's affairs are not handled clearly, his daughter will not be able to join the art team.

Zhao Yaozu looked at him angrily, with a fire in his heart, but Zhou Zixu looked at him with a harmless smile, which was even more annoying.

"Okay, I'll issue a certificate for you. Jin Chen really made a bad friend by mistake. When I see him, I will definitely threaten you today."

"Uncle Zhao, if I were you, I wouldn't tell Jin Chen that because of his character, knowing that his sister has done such a wicked thing, do you think he would kill his relative righteously?"

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face disappeared little by little, and he looked at Zhao Yaozu sarcastically, not letting him finish his sentence at all.

Holding his breath in his chest, Zhao Yaozu glared at him angrily, then turned back to the village branch resignedly, this smiling tiger was too difficult to provoke.

Don't give anyone face, it can drive people to death.

Zhou Zixu got the proof that he still has a registered permanent residence, and went to his aunt non-stop to re-open the art team notice.

He was taught a lesson by his aunt. Originally, the notice was sent to the village, and then someone who led the team went to pick up the people. He was so kind, he took the notice from her hand.

Turn around and ask her to change it. Is this your nephew?Professional cheating aunt?He refused directly.

"No, the notices are all finished. Besides, when she signed up, her name was Li Sihui. Now changing her surname means giving up on her own. Don't cause trouble for me."

"Auntie, that's your future niece and daughter-in-law, you can figure it out yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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