Chapter 309

"Ask her what she has done? I should leave you alone today and let you go to education to see if you still dare to think of harming others?"

Zhao Yaozu's eyes were red with anger when he saw his daughter-in-law was still protecting her daughter. Since ancient times, a loving mother has always failed her children, and she was the one who spoiled Yuying.

Take the belt and smack Zhao Yuying. If you don't teach her well today, what trouble will she cause when she gets to the art team?

At that time, he will not be able to save her.

"Stop beating, Dad, it hurts."

Zhao Yuying cried bitterly after being beaten, and squatted on the ground with her arms folded and her face buried in her legs. She was afraid that her father would bruise her face in a rage.

"Do you know it hurts? This is me hitting you. If it's Li Sihui, no, it's Lu Sihui now. If she knows what you did? She will only beat me harder than me, and I will definitely send you to the law enforcement department. When the time comes Dad wants to protect you, but he can't, do you understand?"

Zhao Yaozu was tired from beating, and when he saw his daughter squatting in the corner crying, he was also very distressed. He threw the belt on the kang, panting heavily, and taught Zhao Yuying a lesson.

"I know, but I don't blame me for this matter. Li Lanni said she just wanted to teach Li Sihui a lesson. How did I know they would make such a big fuss?"

Zhao Yuying's body felt hot and painful from being pumped, and tears were streaming down her face.

I was so wronged in my heart, outsiders didn't beat me, and my father helped that dead fat pig beat her?
What saddened her the most was that Zhou Zixu admitted in public that Li Sihui was his lover and his fiancée.

Her dream was shattered. She had thought well, and found another iron-blooded man in the work unit, but who could be as good-looking as him, and as good as his family background?

Since she was a child, she felt superior to others in the village, especially Li Sihui. She was an angry girl who could bully anyone who saw her.

Who would have imagined that she would rob her of the man she liked and let her father beat her, so she hated her even more.

This chance won't bring her down, and she won't be so lucky next time.

Don't believe that Zhou Zixu can always be by her side?

"What are you thinking? Let me tell you, if you harm someone in the future, don't say I will drive you out."

Seeing the hatred in the girl's eyes, still grinding her teeth, Zhao Yaozu stared, and picked up the belt from the kang again.

"Don't think about anything, Dad, stop beating, I'm in pain."

Seeing that her father had picked up the belt again, Zhao Yuying screamed in fright, pushed the door and ran out, went back to her room and barred the door from the inside.

"Her father, that Li Sihui is not a fuel-efficient lamp. You were so kind to her before, let's see how she repays you?"

Zhou Guilan was not happy anymore, and started to sue the man.

"Why do you say that someone saved Jin Chen? That's our family's benefactor. Your daughter hurt him, so why isn't she allowed to say anything?"

Zhao Yaozu glared at his wife, without that girl Sihui, Jin Chen would have died in the mountains.

"Yes, but she didn't give you face today."

When Zhou Guifang heard the man mentioning her son, she stopped cooking immediately. Indeed, compared with Li Sihui's saving Zhao Jinchen, his family's kindness to her was far less than that of saving her life.

"If you don't give it, don't give it! She is going to the art team. These days, I am upset by the troubles of Lao Li's house. She left and the village stopped."

"What? She goes to the art team?"

When Zhou Guifang heard the man say that Li Sihui could go to the art team, her eyes widened immediately. Her daughter practiced so hard that she forgot to sleep and eat. Why didn't she go?
"Yes, Comrade Zhou asked me to issue a certificate today. Didn't she change her surname to Lu? When she applied for the exam, it was Li Sihui."

"Then did our daughter pass the exam?"

(End of this chapter)

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