Chapter 329 Respect Like a Mother

Lu Sihui doesn't like to make trouble for others, so she needs to go back to the village to open a letter of introduction to go to the guest house, and I believe the village chief can do it for her.

"It's okay, you can live here! Usually there is no one at home, and Dongsheng and I are lonely."

Seeing that Lu Sihui was overwhelmed, Mr. Zhou explained to her with a smile.

"Sihui, don't worry, my eldest brother and I have been training hard recently, and the competition will be assessed soon. I can't relax, and neither can my eldest brother."

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui with a smile. He actually hoped to stay with her at home every day, but he couldn't. Since the moment he made up his mind, he has been working hard with himself. He must win the eldest brother, and he will never be fooled around .

What these words mean is that even if you don't come, we won't go home to live, so as not to burden Sihui with thoughts.

"The noodles are ready."

Aunt Su came out with two bowls of hot noodle soup. A poached egg was beaten in a bowl of noodles, and chopped green onion and sesame oil were sprinkled on top.

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui thanked her politely, and Aunt Su took a deep look at her.

She was really pitiful when she heard what happened to this girl just now.

"I'm going to boil some hot water for you guys, let's wash in a while!"

To say that Lu Sihui's sister and brother are no better than Zhou Zixu, they are all quite embarrassed, their faces are similar to those of a little cat, they are all in ragged clothes, and there is black ash on their heads, as if they ran out of a refugee camp.

"Thank you, Aunt Su, do you have my noodles?"

Zhou Zixu saw that Aunt Su was nice to Lu Sihui, he raised his smile again, stood up and acted like a baby with Aunt Su.

"Hmph, no."

Aunt Su gave him a blank look, just now she was flirting with herself!Acting like a baby doesn't work right now.

"Impossible, Aunt Su loves me so much, can I have no part?"

Zhou Zixu knew that his attitude just now was a bit too tough, and Aunt Su must be feeling uncomfortable, so he laughed and joked with her.

"Go and wash it. Look at what you did. Those who didn't know it thought you crawled out of the chimney! I'll find you some clean clothes in a while."

Aunt Su slapped him, and Zixu smiled and coaxed him, so there was nothing wrong with coaxing him, unlike Zhou Baichuan and Zhou Zisong, they were too cold.

She has been watching Zixu grow up, knowing the attitude of the two men towards him, she loves this child.

"Thank you Aunt Su."

Zhou Zixu bent his knees and saluted Aunt Su with warmth in his eyes. In his heart, he respected Aunt Su like a mother.

"go quickly!"

Aunt Su's eyes were red, and she slapped him on the back with a smile. This child has the ability to make people cry, and he can also make people laugh.

"Hurry up and eat!"

When Mr. Zhou saw Lu Sihui, he looked at the bowl, didn't move his chopsticks, smiled kindly at her, pointed at the bowl, and asked her to eat noodles.

It's not easy!Generally, when a girl encounters such a scene, she must be frightened and stupid.

The girl's eyes were still clear, she had no fear at all, and her demeanor was graceful, without the sensitivity she had when she first came to his house.

Recalling that time, she was like a frightened little leopard, raising her sharp claws to protect herself. As long as she felt danger, she would protect herself without hesitation.

People are most likely to feel hungry after turning a corner, and Lu Jianguo is hungry right now.

It's just that in this strange environment, he was afraid. If there was no sister around, he would probably run away in fright.

Everything here is too high-end, completely different from the small earthen house in his house. The bright electric lights are much brighter than the small oil lamps in her house, a little dazzling.

"Jianguo, eat!"

Lu Sihui greeted her younger brother, and picked up the chopsticks to eat first. Not to mention, Aunt Su's cooking skills are good, and the dried noodles are delicious.

"Grandpa, why aren't you asleep yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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