Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 335 An Opportunity to Show

Chapter 335 An Opportunity to Show
"I'll go with you!"

Lu Sihui hesitated for a moment, she really wanted to say that she took her brother out to eat, but in the end she felt that Mr. Zhou would be unhappy if she did that.

Simply being generous and wanting to cook with Aunt Su, you can't eat other people's food for nothing, right?


Aunt Su smiled and did not refuse Lu Sihui's proposal.

She also hopes that this girl can know everything, Zixu is a greedy cat.

There is a gas stove and a kerosene stove in the kitchen. There is no shortage of vegetables and food. After all, they are all wage earners. There is only one idler in the family, Dong Sheng, and they are living in abundance.

"what will you do?"

Aunt Su intends to test Lu Sihui. The meat she sent before was really delicious, but can she cook ordinary rice?
"I can make muddled porridge".

Lu Sihui answered honestly, this is normal in the countryside, breakfast is always porridge, unless you have to work in the fields.

"I can also cook dried noodles."

Seeing Aunt Su staring at her blankly, Lu Sihui hurriedly said something again.

Zhou Zixu likes the dried noodles she cooks very much, and Mr. Zhou should also like it.

"Alright then! Let's cook the noodles!"

Aunt Su sighed, her family doesn't eat muddled porridge. Breakfast is usually rice porridge or millet porridge, two boiled eggs, steamed buns, and two plates of pickles.

And sometimes, she also makes soy milk and fried dough sticks, which the old man likes to eat.

But hot noodle soup for breakfast is also good, she thinks that Lu Sihui should be given a chance to show off.

In this regard, Aunt Su is kind. After all, she is not in the same family. The old man likes Lu Sihui, so he can agree with his grandson to be with her.

Lu Sihui didn't know how to turn on the gas stove, so Aunt Su had to light it for her, but just once, she had already learned it, so she didn't need Aunt Su's help.

"Aunt Su, where are the materials?"

Lu Sihui cleaned the pot first, and then asked Aunt Su for the ingredients. She saw it, but she couldn't get it by herself, otherwise it would be impolite.

"It's all here, I'll help you chop the green onions."

Aunt Su smiled and brought her the oil, salt and pepper noodles, and went to help herself. She also had to make two small dishes of pickles.

Seeing her turn her back, Lu Sihui took out special materials from the space capsule, poured oil and water into the pot, and put the materials in.

"I just cut the green onion, it's fine, let's put it later!"

Aunt Su put chopped green onions in a small bowl and came to fry the pot for her. She didn't expect her to fill the pot so quickly, so she had no choice but to put the chopped green onions into the pot.

I thought in my heart that this noodle could not be delicious.

Lu Sihui had a good idea, poured a little soy sauce into the pot to make the color less white, added a little salt, and left the rest alone.

"Dongsheng grows up and needs to eat an egg every day. I have already boiled it, so I don't need to poach it. If you want to eat it, the raw egg is in the basket over there."

Aunt Su put the boiled eggs in a bowl, and because Lu Sihui was a guest, she was very polite to her.

Even if it is an old leader, there are not many eggs. They are all supply systems, and they cannot be bought without tickets.

Because of this, she also raised two old hens in the backyard, just to have fresh eggs for Dongsheng and the old man to eat.

While the two were talking, they heard Mr. Zhou coughing and the sound of crutches leaning on the stairs.

"The old man is up. I'll take out the dishes first. When the noodles are ready, you can pick them into the bowl, and then there's a tray over there."

Aunt Su was busy bringing out the dishes, and after giving some instructions to Lu Sihui, she went out.

Mr. Zhou sat at the dining table and saw Aunt Su coming over with pickles, so he asked her to call Lu Sihui and her younger brother.

"Is the meal ready? Go and call the siblings over for dinner!"

"Grandpa, guess who cooked the meal this morning?"

(End of this chapter)

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