Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 344 Can't let this girl go

Chapter 344 Can't let this girl go

Lu Sihui glanced back, Li Guozhu wanted to drag Zhou Changjiang's mother away, but she beat Li Lanni like crazy, Li Guozhu couldn't pull away at all.

At this time, Zhou Bashi passed by with a whip, and his wife didn't know what she said?He raised the whip in his hand, and whipped Li Lanni desperately. When a man came, Li Guozhu was not as arrogant as before. He begged bitterly, and dared not fight again.

"I'm guessing, Li Lanni is not guilty, why did she leave? Her mother is dead, where can she go if she leaves? I won't leave unless I have to. I'm just trying to trick her."

There was a cruel sneer on Lu Sihui's mouth, but she was still puzzled by this, and wanted to screw Li Lanni's head off in the past, just like in the last days, so as to save her from doing bad things again.

"Why is she so bad? When I was at home, every time she complained behind my back, I was often beaten."

Hearing what his sister said, Li Jianguo clenched his fists angrily. His home was gone, only a dark wall remained, and his father would die with that bad woman. He hated Li Lanni, mother and daughter to death.

"That's because of a father like that at the stall, are you sure you still want to see him?"

Lu Sihui glanced at her younger brother, she was still unmanly, why didn't she rush over and beat that sibling to vent her anger?
They are street rats and everyone shouts and beats them, but Jianguo only dares to get angry behind his back.

"In any case, it's dad, go and see him, and do your best to be a son and daughter."

A look of sadness flashed in Lu Jianguo's eyes. He knew that his sister didn't want to go, but he felt that this was the last time he would see his father. He was dead and he couldn't even see him.

"Jianguo, our family has been harmed like this, don't you want to go and deal with those siblings?"

Lu Sihui took a look and saw that many people from the village came to fight one after another. Although Li Lanni and her brother were embarrassed, they still took advantage of it.


Lu Jianguo's clenched fist loosened, and he hesitated.

"How did I teach you before?"

Lu Sihui looked at him with some disappointment, her voice was cold.

"If someone slaps you once, then slap it back ten times. If he knows it hurts, he won't dare to bully you again. Have you forgotten?"

Seeing that her younger brother was silent, Lu Sihui frowned and repeated her words, then turned and left in disappointment.

The world is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Some people's personalities are innate. This may be because of Li Laogen's genes. He just remembers eating but not beating.

She went directly to Neishan, planning to hunt a few more prey, so she couldn't eat and drink for nothing at the Zhou family, could she?
Seeing his sister leaving disappointed, Li Jianguo felt lucky in his heart. He didn't want his sister to feel useless.

"Ah, I'll kill you."

Rushing into the crowd like crazy, Li Lanni just took a breath, her face was burning with pain, she was crying and tied her hair up, and Zhou Changjiang's mother over there pointed at her and yelled.

"She was the one who instigated my son to set the fire. Our house was burned. She wanted to escape, so she couldn't let this girl go."

Li Lanni was terrified. She couldn't go to jail, or her life would be ruined in the future.

"Not me, not me, I didn't."

After explaining repeatedly, the eyes of the surrounding villagers were full of suspicion, especially those villagers who had also burned all their property, looked at her covetously.

"I'll kill you."

Li Jianguo rushed into the crowd, grabbed Li Guozhu who was about to slip away, and greeted him with his fists on his head with the sound of the wind.

At this time, Li Jianguo was like a tiger descending the mountain. Li Guozhu was so frightened that he forgot to fight back. Is he crazy?
(End of this chapter)

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