Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 395 No One Is Perfect

Chapter 395 No One Is Perfect
He is very angry about this point, if he has a stain on his body, he will not be able to participate in the National All-Around Competition, and he will be the No.2 substitute.

If he participated as the first, he felt very honored, but as a substitute, he felt very ashamed.

In addition, being a gentleman, he despises certain behaviors of his younger brother.

In his heart, an iron-blooded man should be serious and serious at all times.

And the younger brother!The smile seems to be free of money, and it will be given to whoever is caught.

Zhao Jinchen knocked on the door and entered the room. He looked a little tired, dusty and dusty.

"How's it going?"

Zhou Zisong looked at him with a serious expression, his sharp eyes were still shining under the light.

"No one was found, Dr. Xing was just trying to make a fuss."

Zhao Jinchen was ordered to conduct a secret investigation, but it turned out to be a waste of time.

The upline who was confessed by Dr. Xing, after his follow-up and investigation, is basically an ordinary hospital director, honest and responsible, with good grades, and three generations of poor peasants.

"How do you know he lied to us?"

Zhou Zisong poured a glass of water and pushed it over, his face remained unchanged.

"I've investigated. Dr. Xing has a feud with the dean, and the dean approved his going to the countryside, so I resent him. Besides, Rose must be a woman."

"Don't look at the surface, maybe it's just to deceive people, you should continue to investigate to see if there are any suspicious radio waves? Who said that Rose must be a woman? This is a code name, not a real name, you! You always have personal subjective consciousness Look at the problem, it’s not going to work.”

Zhou Zisong taught him a serious face. Zhao Jinchen was the person he was optimistic about. He was mature and steady, not afraid of hardships, and responsible. He was secretly transferred to him the year before last to investigate this matter.

But this man is not perfect, he always looks at problems with his own subjectivity, which is a big taboo.

"Yes, I will continue to follow."

"Go and rest! I'm going home. By the way, your sister has reported to the publicity team."

Zhou Zisong was strict with his subordinates, but he still cared about what he should care about. Knowing that he was only a younger sister, he disclosed the news to him.

But he didn't talk about the fact that his father's village chief was taken down, and it's better not to talk about these family affairs that disturb his emotions.

"Great, thank you leader."

Zhao Jinchen saluted happily. He was very grateful to Zhou Zixu in his heart. It wasn't for his help to sign up, and his sister couldn't pass the exam.

"Go! I'll go home and have a look."

Zhou Zisong nodded, put on his hat, and walked out with the car keys.

"Leader, can I visit my sister tomorrow? Throw some money to her."

Seeing that he left as soon as he said it, Zhao Jinchen hurriedly begged from his back.

"Yes, but the task cannot be revealed."

Zhou Zisong did not look back, but agreed.

"Thank you leader."

Zhao Jinchen saluted happily, went out and watched the leader drive away before he walked towards the dormitory.

"Jin Chen? Didn't you go back to work?"

Zhou Zixu suddenly saw Zhao Jinchen approaching and punched him. This kid is so elusive!
"I'm here to see Yuying, and I'll stay at the unit for one night today."

Zhou Zixu narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a while, looking at Zhao Jinchen a little unnaturally.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, it's a secret."

Zhou Zixu left without expression, and walked away.

Leaving the bewildered Zhao Jinchen behind, he watched him enter the office inexplicably.

Zhou Zixu murmured in his heart, are you still playing hide and seek with him here?
Last time he knew clearly that Zhao Jinchen didn't go home to visit relatives at all, but he had a mission, and his upline was the eldest brother, who caught a spy, so it was a royal secret, so he couldn't tell anyone.

But what was strange to him was, when did this kid Zhao Jinchen become the eldest brother's subordinate?

(End of this chapter)

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