Chapter 503
Zhou Zisong leaned forward slightly, and put his hands together naturally. He decided not to talk nonsense with Zhou Zixu, and his opinions don't need to be considered.

"Brother, Sihui is not in our brigade, you have no right to order her."

Zhou Zixu was angry, is the elder brother being too unreasonable? Although he is the leader, Lu Sihui is just a new comrade.

But Sihui belongs to the propaganda team, not their security team.

"Zixu, grandpa thinks that Sihui should go to this matter. Your elder brother is right. The art team is also a member of the security system. When the country needs it, they should obey orders without hesitation."

Mr. Zhou looked at his little grandson seriously. He felt sorry for Sihui and was worried about her safety. He could understand this.

But Zisong was talking about national interests. Regardless of the old man's retirement, as long as the country needs it, he will still go to battle, throwing his head and blood, without blinking an eye.

"Grandpa, it's too dangerous. Can I go? Look, I look like a woman."

Zhou Zixu did an orchid-fingered Peking Opera Huadan pose, not to mention a bit feminine.

"You are tall and big, but you need to wear women's clothes and high heels, can you do it?"

Zhou Zisong stared at his younger brother, what's the trouble?

"There are many women in the unit."

Zhou Zixu stared back at his elder brother, wondering why he fell in love with Sihui?
"There are a lot of women, but none of them are capable. Singing and dancing are okay, but protecting people is useless. Lu Sihui is smart, courageous, and quick to learn everything. I think ten days of special training should be enough for her."

It was the first time for Zhou Zisong to discuss with his younger brother so patiently. He still had to go to his aunt to release him, but first he had to make sure that Lu Sihui agreed.

"Big brother."

Zixu still wanted to stop him, but Mr. Zhou stopped him.

"As an iron-blooded man, have you thrown away the awareness you should have? What have you learned? Do you eat, drink and have fun?"

It was the first time for Mr. Zhou to teach his little grandson such a serious lesson. Zhou Zixu looked at him with a frown, knowing in his heart that what they said was right, but he was too worried about Sihui, who would want his lover to go after a narrow escape?

"Don't worry, there are quite a few people going this time, and I will pay attention to her safety."

Zhou Zisong sighed, he had to settle the matter with his younger brother, otherwise he would cause trouble later on, and if Lu Sihui refused to go, then he would really not be able to find a suitable candidate.

"If she must go, then I will also ask to participate in the mission."

Zhou Zixu stood up and stared at his elder brother resolutely. Only when he personally protected Sihui could he rest assured.

other people?

Even if the eldest brother gave him a guarantee, he was not at ease.

"You will make trouble."

Zhou Zisong looked at him with a frown. His younger brother's skills were good, but he was afraid that he would be disobedient.

"Brother, I'm a hot shot. It's no problem to be in charge of the group shooting. If you don't let me go, I don't want Hui to go."

Zhou Zixu refused to give an inch, and old man Zhou nodded to his eldest grandson. Zixu was very skillful and resourceful. He felt that if he went, the task would be easier to complete.

"Okay! But you can't be impulsive, and you can't expose the target, otherwise the monarch will deal with it."

Zhou Zisong stared at his younger brother with cold eyes, and made demands on him. The monarch's legal treatment he said also included on-the-spot rectification.

"Yes, promise to obey orders."

Zhou Zixu put his feet together and saluted with determination in his eyes. He was confident that such a task would not be a problem.

Lu Sihui was cooking wontons in the kitchen, and Aunt Su was mixing the soup ingredients. If the wontons were to be delicious, one must be meat filling, and the other important factor was soup.

"Why is Zisong coming back? Why is Zixu still saluting at home? The rules of the work unit have moved to the house?"

(End of this chapter)

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