Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 516 Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 516 Beautiful Scenery
The gloomy cave was as black as a boundless abyss. Zhao Jinchen heard the footsteps behind him and looked back at Zhou Zisong. He knew that the leader would follow, and he just typed a code word.

"what's up?"

Zhou Zisong's voice was very low, but there was still a slight echo in this empty cave, but he couldn't hear it outside when he spoke from this position.

"I suspect number eight, how can she be allowed to participate in the operation?"

Zhao Jinchen directly expressed his doubts about Lu Sihui.

"Tell me why."

In the darkness, Zhou Zisong's expression could not be seen clearly, and his voice was calm, making it impossible for people to understand his thoughts.

"Lu Sihui is from our village. She has always been cowardly and cowardly. To put it bluntly, even if someone pours feces on her head, she will wait obediently, not daring to run, let alone make a sound. But these days I I found that she learned something, such as dismantling weapons, as if she had been trained for many years, and killing wild boars, even if I robbed a horse alone, I might not have this ability. Before killing wild boars, she and Zixu killed five horses. Of the wild wolves, only one was beaten to death with an electric baton, and the other four were killed by the two of them with a dagger. Is this normal?"

Zhao Jinchen expressed his doubts in one breath, and finally added: "When Dr. Xing was caught, she was also in the back mountain. Who can guarantee that she is not a bad person? Maybe she and Dr. Xing joined forces! By the way, there is , She was very obese before, but when I saw her again, she became as beautiful as she is now. A person can't change so much from fat to thin, right? The whole person's aura has changed. "

Zhou Zisong listened silently, and had to say that Zhao Jinchen's analysis was correct, and using Lu Sihui was indeed a bold plan, and it was not without danger.

If she is a bad person, it means that he buried a timed gunpowder next to the patriotic professor Li Musen. If she kills the killer or reveals the plan, it will be even more difficult for them to rescue them.

But on the other hand, if she is not a bad person, but a rare special agent wizard, she will be a powerful go-getter for his special operations team.

"If you are like this, your task is to look at her, find out that something is wrong, and rectify the law on the spot."

Zhou Zisong made a decision that he should be responsible for the country.


Zhao Jinchen saluted in the dark, and he promised to complete the task and not let it go.

"Brother, you are so despicable."

At some point in the dark cave, a dark figure appeared. After the two of them had finished their conversation, the cold voice was filled with merciless reprimands.

"Sihui didn't want to take part in your operation. You forced her to come, and now you want to kill her? Why are you guys having trouble with a weak woman? What's wrong with Sihui being so powerful? It's just a hidden special *. She will not expose herself like this, she will always pretend to be mediocre, making herself inconspicuous, at least if I am a bad person, I will do this."

Zhou Zixu roared angrily. Just now he noticed that Zhao Jinchen's expression was wrong, and he saw him gesturing to his elder brother in code words.

Originally, he didn't want to follow in, but before entering the cave, Zhao Jinchen gave Lu Sihui a vigilant look, which made him feel uneasy.

That's why he involuntarily followed in, and it was fortunate that he followed, otherwise Sihui died in the hands of his own people in a daze, and it would be called wronged.

"Zixu, how can you eavesdrop on the officer's conversation? Don't you know the punishment for violating discipline?"

(End of this chapter)

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