Chapter 525 An Angry Lion
After disembarking, Lu Sihui was sent to the hospital, Zhou Zisong and two other comrades escorted Professor Li to the destination, and other things were naturally taken over by others.

After he finished handing over, he was going to visit his younger brother first. When he arrived at the door of the confinement room, he heard Zhou Zixu's roar and couldn't help frowning.

I really should lock him up for a few more days and kill his vigor.

"What are you shouting for? Just call him by his first name, Zhou Zixu, is your comrade in vain?"

He waved his hand to let the guard comrades leave, walked to the door of the confinement room with a sullen face, looked at Zhou Zixu who was glaring at him, and taught him in a cold voice.

"Director Zhou? Good brother? Do you want me to call him that? Where's Sihui? Has she come back yet?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his elder brother with a sneer, and locked himself here with an anesthetic injection. What is it about him that deserves his respect?

"She has come back."

Facing his younger brother's sarcasm, Zhou Zisong looked away in embarrassment. At that time, he had no choice but to do so. With his unruly personality, he would definitely pull Lu Sihui away.

The consequences of doing so are very serious. If Sihui is really a bad person, he will be trying to scare the snake away.

Now it is proved that Lu Sihui is not a bad person, but a talented person, but according to Lu Sihui's character, knowing that he has issued an order to rectify the Fa on the spot, she will not participate in this task, so in principle, it is right for her to do so .

"What about her?"

Zhou Zixu grabbed the door and stared at his elder brother, he felt something was wrong, Sihui came back, why didn't he come to see him?

"in hospital."

Zhou Zisong turned his back, unable to face Zhou Zixu's angry gaze.

"You weren't hurt? She was hurt? How did you promise me when you left?"

Zhou Zixu roared at his elder brother's back, like an angry lion, almost kicking the door of the confinement room to pieces.


Zhou Zisong took a deep breath. He did promise his younger brother that Lu Sihui would come back safely.

The current situation is that he came back safely, and Lu Sihui was the one who was injured, which made him a little speechless when facing his younger brother.

"Accident? This is Sihui's fate, otherwise, would she have died there? Your promise to me is fucking farting."

Zhou Zixu could no longer suppress his anger towards his elder brother, and swears at him.

In the past, he really respected his eldest brother, and even felt that he had caused him to lose his mother.That's why I always felt ashamed of him.

Now that the two are settled, he almost killed his beloved woman.

"Pay attention to language."

Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother angrily, he is a man of iron and blood, how could he swear?
"let me out."

Zhou Zixu stared into his elder brother's eyes and ordered him word by word.

At this moment, he just wanted to get to Sihui's side as soon as possible, he wanted to see how badly she was hurt?
"Okay, but you have to restrain yourself, what to say and what not to say? You should know."

Zhou Zisong nodded. Zhou Zixu didn't make a mistake. He was locked up because he was afraid that he would affect the mission. Who told him that his character was so unstable.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu raised one corner of his mouth and agreed with a sneer.

Zhou Zisong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His brother's iron fist was really fast, and it took a lot of strength, but it was worth it to calm him down.

"Director, do you need to go to the infirmary?"

Although the guard comrade left, he was not far away. Naturally, after Zhou Zixu came out of the small dark room, he punched the director, more than one punch,
At that time, he was shocked. The director with a cold face like Hades didn't fight back?
"Need not."

Zhou Zisong waved his hand, turned around and left the confinement room, and walked towards the office. He still had to write a report on this mission and reward the meritorious personnel.

After Zhou Zixu beat his elder brother, he drove directly to the exclusive security hospital. He was very anxious along the way, wishing that he was the one who got hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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