Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 528 You have contributed

Chapter 528 You have contributed

"As a member of the Secret Service, you must not be afraid of danger."

He said something in a cold voice, and put the things back on the small table.

"This is for Comrade Lu Sihui, not for you. You have no right to help her make decisions."

The two brothers were at war with each other, their eyes were fighting in the air, and the whole ward felt cold.

"Okay, are you here to see a patient? Doesn't it make sense?"

Seeing the two brothers falling out, Mr. Zhou stood up angrily and shouted loudly, is this still like two brothers?Almost like an enemy.

"Director Zhou, are No. [-] and No. [-] back?"

Compared to Zhou Zixu's anger, Lu Sihui looked much calmer, looking at Zhou Zisong quietly.

She didn't call her big brother, but only her title, which shows that Zhou Zisong is just a respected big brother in her heart, not a relative.

"Not yet, the pier over there is now blocked because of a fatality."

Zhou Zisong frowned, withdrew his cold gaze from his younger brother, put the things back on the small table, and answered Lu Sihui's question in a low voice.

"What should I do?"

Lu Sihui frowned, she couldn't come back, she might as well be injured!

"You can only rely on yourself, you cannot reveal your identity."

Zhou Zisong was silent for a long time before speaking, not to mention them, even if he was himself, he could not reveal his identity, so as not to cause big trouble.

"Will you die?"

Lu Sihui asked, there are many killers of the opponent over there, they are very skilled, and they are still on their territory. Zhao Jinchen and No. [-] may never come back.

"As a good agent, I believe they can figure out a way."

Zhou Zisong replied flatly that he didn't want to talk about this matter any more.

"You take good care of your illness and wait for the work!"

This is what he can help her fight for. As for whether he can approve the meritorious service, it is not up to him to decide.

"You go quickly."

Zhou Zixu ruthlessly drove away his eldest brother, and he would even settle accounts with him if he had a chance.

Zhou Zisong frowned and glanced at him, then turned and left, the tall figure quickly disappeared at the door.

Lu Sihui subconsciously glanced at Zhou Zixu, he had always respected his elder brother before, how did he become a different person today?

There was intense anger in his eyes, as if he wanted to tear Zhou Zisong into pieces.

"Zixu, why are you treating your elder brother like this?"

Grandpa Zhou looked at his little grandson with dissatisfaction. He used to listen to Zhou Zisong very much. Since he won the crown, his attitude towards Zisong has become worse and worse.

In his mind, the little grandson was inflating himself.

"Grandpa, I'll tell you when I get home."

Zhou Zixu glanced at Lu Sihui, swallowed back his words, and let her know, he might be more angry than himself.

"Sihui, I heard from Zisong that you also saved his life and protected Professor Li's safe return. You have contributed a lot."

The old man didn't continue to ask questions. It's not too late to ask again when he gets home. He looked at Lu Sihui and chatted with her with a smile.

"Grandpa, it's not my strength alone, everyone has a share."

Lu Sihui doesn't take credit for it, she thinks it's all about cooperation.

Without No. [-] and No. [-] buying the boat tickets in advance, and without them keeping each other in check, it is impossible for me to take Professor Li out of City X smoothly.

Now she understands what Zhou Zisong said, the power of a team is far greater than that of a single person.

"Haha, Sihui is pretty good, and she knows how to be humble. If it were Zixu, I'm sure it's all due to him."

The old man laughed, trying to liven up the atmosphere, but the corner of his eyes caught the little grandson, still with a gloomy face.

Thinking of the elder grandson's appearance just now, there was a bruise at the corner of his mouth, obviously he was beaten.

Glancing at Zhou Zixu, he must have done it, right?
(End of this chapter)

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