Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 530 The thorny rose.

Chapter 530 The thorny rose.

Zhou Zixu started to order, but what he said made the old man happy.

"Where is the elbow? Sihui hurt her shoulder."

"Aren't shoulders just elbows? Pig's trotters are also fine, let Aunt Su decide what to do."

Zhou Zixu bared his teeth at his grandfather and made a sophistry.

"What would Sihui want to eat?"

Mr. Zhou glared at his grandson, ignored him, and asked Lu Sihui instead.

"Grandpa, can I eat fish?"

Lu Sihui wanted to eat fish very much, so she was not polite.

"I'm afraid not. You are injured now. The fish is a hair, and the wound is not easy to heal."

Mr. Zhou shook his head, and Lu Sihui later decided to listen to Zhou Zixu and eat pig's trotters.

"Okay, grandpa will go back and ask Xiao Su to buy it."

The old man took Lu Jianguo away, and he had to come to deliver the meal in the evening.

They all left, and only Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui were left in the ward. Zixu asked about the progress of the mission in detail.

When he heard that he had gone through such a thrilling experience, he slapped his thigh hard.

"I should go, at least I can help you block bullets."

Lu Sihui was very moved when he heard the truth of what he said.

"Am I okay?"

"It's really something, I'm looking for my elder brother desperately, let him accompany you to me, Sihui is obedient, we will not participate in these things in the future, and be your literary ice."

Zhou Zixu held Sihui's hand, he was afraid for a while, it's better to let Sihui be a stable literary ice cream.

"Zixu, I like this exciting life."

Lu Sihui didn't withdraw her hand, but turned her head to look at her seriously.

Although this mission was dangerous, it was so exciting that she felt that every cell in her body was alive.

"You got it, two more stimuli and my heart stopped beating."

Zhou Zixu held Lu Sihui's hand tightly, remembering that he was locked in the confinement room, anxious like a mouse in a windmill.

That kind of suffering, once is enough.

"In the future, we will be together, then you don't have to worry about it."

Lu Sihui saw the worry in his eyes, after thinking about it, she found a way to get the best of both worlds.

"I think so too, but do you know? Generally, couples are not allowed to go on missions together, and caring will cause chaos."

Zhou Zixu was well aware of the unit's regulations and sighed.

Next time, Big Brother will lock himself up.

"Promise me that you will only do art ice, okay? Let me go for dangerous tasks."

Zhou Zixu put away his confused mood and focused on Lu Sihui's beautiful eyes.

At this time, she lost her usual coldness and was more delicate and delicate.

It looks like a little flower that needs protection, but in fact he knows that even if she is a flower, she is also a thorny rose.


Facing his affectionate gaze, Lu Sihui swallowed back her objection.

She felt that it was just a chance, and if she wanted to follow in the future, it would be very difficult.

Lu Sihui was hospitalized for half a month, during which time Zhou Yanhong and Vice Captain Jiang visited her and expressed condolences to her.

This matter is considered a secret in the team, and it can only be known by the two of them, and cannot be spread outside.

To the outside world, it can only be said that Lu Sihui is sick and hospitalized, and cannot return to the team for the time being.

Half a month later, Lu Sihui got the quota for promotion, which made some old comrades who didn't get the chance to be promoted very unhappy, and talked a lot in private.

As for the new comrades, they are more envious.

"Squad leader, if you are sick and hospitalized, you can still get promotion indicators? Did your partner help you?"

Li Mei tentatively asked Lu Sihui, mainly because she had heard some of the old team members' private discussions.

I envy that Lu Sihui found a good partner when she first arrived at the work unit. Her aunt is the leader, so if something good happens, it will naturally fall on Lu Sihui's head.

(End of this chapter)

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