Chapter 532
Lu Sihui was startled, this careless Huang Yaomei had found out, how could the other smart lesbians not have noticed?

"I just pay more attention at ordinary times."

Lu Sihui was silent, and replied vaguely.

"I will also pay attention to training in the future. I heard that I will go to intensive training with gay men for two days. The leader said that lesbians are too squeamish, and they don't look like ice at all."

Huang Yaomei's eyes are full of anticipation. In fact, what she wants to be the most is not literary ice, she likes to train her skills like a man.

"Really? It's a good thing."

Lu Sihui was very happy to hear that, gay men are full of heroism, that's how they look like ice.

They practice standing posture and jog twice all day long, and some people complain of suffering and tiredness.

"Yes, I wish I could go sooner."


The two of them chatted one after another, and saw Ding Li, who had framed Lu Sihui with Zhao Yuying before, walk in, followed by four or five old team members, chatting and laughing, as if they were talking about something happy.

When she saw Lu Sihui in the bathroom, the smile on her face froze, her eyes curled with jealousy, she curled her lips, and went to the empty pool to wash clothes with the others.

"Hey, you said that I'm about to retire from the army and I don't expect to be promoted. This man! What a blessing."

She began to speak sourly, her voice was not low, covering the sound of the water, just for Lu Sihui to listen to!

"Who told you not to find someone earlier?"

"I have to dare to look for it. It's not like you don't know the rules of our regiment. How can we have such a good life? No one will deal with the object, but we can be promoted?"

These female team members are about to be discharged from the army, and they are unwilling, so they naturally have great opinions on what Lu Sihui proposed.

"Really, I'm so short-tempered."

Huang Yaomei dropped the clothes in her hand angrily, and rolled up her sleeves to help Lu Sihui stand out.

Lu Sihui held her back and couldn't let her be punished for herself.

He sneered and said, "Sister Yao, don't pay attention to boring people, those who talk about people behind their backs are all incompetent people."

"Of course I'm not as capable as you. If I didn't join the propaganda team, I'd catch up with the leader's nephew. Isn't this going through the back door?"

Enraged by Lu Sihui's words, Ding Li dropped the clothes in her hands and rushed over to quarrel with Lu Sihui.

"Are you jealous?"

Lu Sihui clasped her arms around her chest, with a mocking smile on her lips, but a cold look in her eyes.

She found that she had been with Zhou Zixu for a long time, and she had learned his demeanor.

"What am I jealous of? I don't think it's fair."

Ding Li's face turned red with anger, she refused to admit that she was just jealous.

"Then go talk to the leader!"

Lu Sihui sneered, arguing with this kind of person would be demeaning.

"If you look for it, look for it. Let's go to the leader together. If it doesn't work, look for it. I don't believe there is no reason."

Ding Li started to rush around to several other old comrades, but they all lowered their heads and pretended not to hear.

Do it right with the leader?Three of them were expelled before, and they will be discharged from the army immediately, and no one wants to make troubles.

Then there is a settling fee!It is also good to go home and buy a dowry for yourself.

"Don't you also think it's unfair?"

Ding Li looked back at those lesbians. When she mentioned this incident, everyone was aggrieved. Why did they stop cooking when it came time to fight for themselves?

"Look at your popularity? Don't you want to perform well to get a chance to be promoted, and think about crooked ways all day long?"

Lu Sihui sneered and taught her a lesson. She had already let her go once before. She wanted to make peace with the matter, but Ding Li insisted on making an inch.

"I'll look for it, I'll definitely sue, don't get too complacent."

(End of this chapter)

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