Chapter 537
After a few days of training together, they have feelings, especially Zhao Jinchen, the two of them are close friends, so naturally they don't want anything to happen to him.

And when Lu Sihui was in the hospital, she also mentioned that these two people left to cover them up, and staying in X City by herself was dangerous anyway.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

Zhou Zisong's expression turned cold. The two of them hadn't come back yet, so he also started to worry.

They are all talents brought out by one hand, and they are also his comrades, so naturally they don't want anything to happen to them.


Zhou Zixu had already understood from the sad eyes of his eldest brother, raised his hands in salute, and turned to go out.

I was secretly afraid, what would happen if Sihui and her elder brother didn't bring Professor Li on board?
Since Ding Li was recorded as a major demerit, no one in the publicity team dared to discuss it in private. If she wanted to make a meritorious service and report it, she would be the next person to be punished.

It can be said that the publicity team has been calm these few days, a rare quiet place. Apart from training, everyone just chats with their families.

"Squad leader, my hometown found me a partner, and they said they could wait for me for two years!"

Huang Yaomei likes to chat with Lu Sihui when she has nothing to do. Even though she is the one who talks, Lu Sihui listens quietly, and she is willing to talk to her about her troubles.

"Good thing."

Lu Sihui turned her head to look at her, thinking about Zhou Zixu, he also had to wait for her for two years.

"What's the matter? I know that kid, I don't like girlishness."

Huang Yaomei pursed her lips, chanting.

"You have a male personality, and the other person has a female personality. Isn't this just complementary?"

Lu Xiaoyan is a comrade from Sichuan, and she speaks with a Sichuan accent. The Sichuan girl has a straightforward and hot personality, and she basically has everything.

However, she is not so playful, she is more cheerful and likes to joke.

As soon as she spoke, everyone in the dormitory heard her, and they all gathered around Lu Sihui, staring at Huang Yaomei and making jokes.

"Yaomei, Lu Xiaoyan is right, when the character complements each other, we won't fight."

Li Mei looked at her with a smile, and was worried about her marriage. After staying at the work unit for two years, she didn't want to go back to the countryside to find a partner. It would be best if she could find an official like Lu Sihui. Follow with family members.

"It's a good thing, Yaomei, you just agree!"

Wang Haixia smiled softly. She liked to purse her lips and smile when she spoke. Lu Sihui looked at her worriedly. She really went to the unit to train with gay men. She probably cried easily among these people.

"I didn't agree. I'll find one in the unit after a year. I still like to train men with masculinity."

Huang Yaomei blushed, but she could still deal with it.

"You have to find the class monitor to help introduce it."

Li Mei looked at Lu Sihui with anticipation in her eyes. She wanted to find someone who was an ice maker, but she couldn't get in touch.

Besides, even if you get in touch, you can't ask if someone has a partner, let alone recommend yourself, right?

"That's right, monitor, when you marry your partner in the future, don't forget about the girls in our class, find one for each of them."

Huang Yaomei looked at Lu Sihui excitedly, why didn't she expect this.

"It's too early to say this. Don't you know that you can't have a girlfriend in the first year of ice? Train hard and give Teacher Huang a sigh of relief."

Lu Sihui glanced around, only Huang Yaomei looked at her excitedly, the others were full of expectations, but shy and embarrassed to ask her.

It's not a good sign that little girls are eager to find a partner.

Once the serious lesson has been taught, enough things have happened in the rookie class.


Li Mei saluted reluctantly, her hope was shattered.

Two days later, it was time to go to the unit for training. Lu Sihui went to the space capsule for treatment every night, and her body recovered very quickly.

She still lives in the upper bunk, and no one has discovered her secret. She entered the space capsule again tonight, and was almost discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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