Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 539 Set an example for newcomers

Chapter 539 Set an example for newcomers

Li Mei's sneaky appearance made Lu Sihui very disgusted, she would talk during the day when she had something to say, and stick to herself in the middle of the night, what exactly did she want to do?

"Squad leader, my family sent jujubes by post. They are sweet and good for women's health. The women in our house eat jujubes when they give birth. They are blood-enriching. I left a pack for you."

Li Mei secretly stuffed a bag of things next to Lu Sihui's pillow, with a flattering smile on her face.

Lu Sihui frowned, this Li Mei usually likes to take advantage, when did she become so generous?

"I don't want it, I don't want to eat it."

Lu Sihui refused in a cold voice, and was tricked many times, and she learned to be smart.

Here I picked up the jujube, and tomorrow Li Mei will go to the leader to complain, saying that she asked for a gift, and she will be the one who made a big mistake in confinement.

"Keep it! It's too cold, I'm going to sleep."

Li Mei couldn't help but stuffed the jujube beside Lu Sihui's pillow, turned around and went back to the couch.

Lu Sihui looked at her coldly for a while, and already had an idea in her mind, she closed her eyes and fell asleep quietly.

In the early morning of the next day, the wake-up call sounded, and Lu Sihui led the whole class to quickly get dressed, fold the quilt, and wash up.

They have become accustomed to it naturally, and the speed of doing it is naturally very fast.

"Put the washbasin in place, don't wait for others to check and find out the problem."

Lu Sihui glanced around by herself, and seeing that there was nothing wrong, she ordered the people in the class to check it out by themselves.

"There is something. Last night Li Mei brought a bag of jujubes and asked me to share them with everyone. I will share them with you after morning exercises. Thank you everyone, Li Mei."

Before the other teams came to check, Lu Sihui took out the jujube Li Mei gave for everyone to have a look.

"Thank you Li Mei, you are so great. It just so happens that I have a stomach ache this month, so it's just right to drink water with red dates and ginger."

Huang Yaomei went over and hugged Li Mei, who was a little dumbfounded, and whispered loudly in her ears.

"Thank you, Li Mei."

The rest of the people came over to thank Li Mei, she forced a stiff smile: "You're welcome, we have something good to eat together."

He stared at Lu Sihui with the intention of dying.

She didn't even want to eat those jujubes herself, she just wanted to please Lu Sihui, but she didn't expect her to give them away generously, thinking of these things being shared by others, her heart was bleeding.

"Check duty."

The old comrade class leader came over with his lesbians, looking around critically.

She couldn't find the fault and frowned. Seeing the bag in Huang Yaomei's hand, she went over to question her.

"It's time to fuck, what are you doing with this?"

"There's still time. She has a stomachache, menstruation, and wants to take a pill. Isn't that a problem?"

Lu Sihui stepped forward and looked at the monitor coldly, looking for trouble every time she came, she was a bit annoying.

"Hurry up and gather at the training ground."

The squad leader of the old team saw that Lu Sihui was a little nervous. Ding Li had already been remembered, and no one dared to talk about Lu Sihui in private. She felt that it was better not to mess with her.

"I'm the squad leader of this room, you just need to take care of your own comrades."

Lu Sihui pouted her back lukewarmly, stretching her hand too long and stretching it too wide.


The face of the old team member turned dark, she originally wanted to play with these new comrades, but who knew that Lu Sihui had put her face down, but she ignored it, so naturally she didn't dare to say more.

"Let's go, get ready to fuck."

Waving to the person she brought, Lu Sihui saw that she was about to leave, so she stopped in front of her with a sneer.

"Tomorrow is our turn to go to your dormitory to check, Squad Leader Li, I hope your class will not make any mistakes, and the old comrades must set an example for the new comrades."

(End of this chapter)

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