Chapter 543
"Muxiu is sure to blow the wind in the forest. You are too good. Whether it is basic skills, singing skills, or other trainings, you are better than the people of the same period. Now you have found a good partner. The envious person has arrived. The degree of jealousy, you are easy to be targeted."

Teacher Huang spoke from the bottom of his heart, not admiring Lu Sihui, nor would he tell her.

"Thank you Teacher Huang, I will pay attention to it in the future and try to make myself mediocre."

Lu Sihui saluted and thanked Teacher Huang, but what she said made Teacher Huang dumbfounded.

Generally, the corporal expresses his determination to the teacher that I will definitely work hard to be better, she is good, and I will try to be as mediocre as possible.

"That's fine, no need, just pay more attention, just be yourself, we can't stop others from being jealous."

Teacher Huang waved his hand to comfort her.

"Yes, then I'll go back first."

Lu Sihui saluted and said goodbye.

"Is this song available?"

Teacher Huang glanced at the sheet music on the table. She walked for about half an hour, and the old players would naturally be able to read it, but the new comrades would find it difficult.


Lu Sihui nodded.

"Sing and listen."

Teacher Huang came to test her meaning, wanting to see how smart she is, and whether she can recite the music score in half an hour.

This was purely a temporary idea on her part, and she hadn't considered her thoughts before.

"A great river with broad waves."

Lu Sihui calmed down a little, and then began to sing. Her breath was very steady, and her singing voice was sweet and melodious. In addition, the song was originally high-pitched, and she could hear it throughout the office when she sang it.

Zhou Zisong was talking with Zhou Yanhong when he suddenly heard this beautiful voice and was attracted.

He knew who sang it, and he could hear her singing.

"Lu Sihui is a talent, she learns what she looks like, and she learns very quickly."

Zhou Yanhong is a person who cherishes talents, especially for Lu Sihui, she is more fond of her.

Because her voice was clear and sweet, as soon as she started singing, she knew it was Lu Sihui and not anyone else.

Most people really can't handle this song, the treble part is too high, and the bass part needs to be full of emotion, which is quite difficult.

"It's good."

Zhou Zisong echoed that rarely, Zhou Yanhong gave him a surprised look, it's not easy!Bingshan also knows how to appreciate music.

"Captain Zhou, I'm going back, please consider my opinion."

Zhou Zisong stood up and said goodbye to Zhou Yanhong, he didn't want to stay any longer.

"Okay, let the new comrades go."

Zhou Yanhong glared at him. Was this why he came?

In fact, if he didn't come, Zhou Yanhong really didn't intend to let the new comrades go to the security department. She didn't want to let Lu Sihui and Zixu have too much contact.

But Zhou Zisong said in person, she had to give face to her eldest nephew.

Zhou Zisong passed Teacher Huang's office when he was leaving, and the door was closed, unlike when he came here, the door was open.

The singing in the room is still singing, which is really nice.

Originally, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he walked at a large pace, but now his speed slowed down.

By the time he left the office, the song was almost coming to an end.

"That's great. I didn't expect you to memorize not only the lyrics, but also the score. What a talent! I'm not familiar with it yet! You have to sing according to the score."

After Lu Sihui sang a song, Teacher Huang applauded excitedly. She felt that Lu Sihui was a talent with a bright future, and sooner or later she would become the lead singer of the publicity team.

She didn't know that Lu Sihui had great ambitions, and she couldn't be satisfied with a small stage.

(End of this chapter)

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