Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 559 Strict Self-Discipline

Chapter 559 Strict Self-Discipline
Zhou Zixu saw that she was silent, and a cruel smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth. The other lesbians were frightened when they saw him being so ruthless.

Two hundred push-ups can be exhausting, three hundred plus a 5000-meter weight-bearing run?This will kill.

They all looked at Ding Li sympathetically, and no one dared to intercede for her.


Ding Li hurriedly saluted and agreed, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

She absolutely believed that as long as she dared to say more, Zhou Zixu would punish her until she vomited blood.

"Then hurry up and do it, Xiao Zhao, you go and watch her."

Zhou Zixu looked at Ding Li with a sneer, and waved at his comrades.

The teammates he brings don't have to worry about it, unlike these lesbians, who don't fight hard, and bargaining is a daily routine in the future.


Xiao Zhao saluted and agreed with a thunderous voice.

The young man is in good spirits. He is short and lean. He doesn't look fat, but he gives off a particularly powerful feeling.

The teammates of the Jagged Brigade seem to have sharp eyes, and they will become honest when they are stared at.

Ding Li was escorted by Xiao Zhao to be punished, and the rest of the lesbians were silent, not daring to vent their anger, let alone look at Ding Li.

"You have heard what Director Zhou said. In three days, do you have confidence in how to be a qualified iron-blooded team member?"

Zhou Zixu's voice softened slightly, as if he was discussing with the lesbians again.

But these lesbians have experienced Ding Li's incident, and no one regards Zhou Zixu as a good-tempered man anymore, and they all stand upright without saying a word.

"Train hard, be strict with self-discipline, and obey orders."

The clear and sweet voice rang out among the lesbians, but what they said made sense.

"Yes, well said, but can you do it?"

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui appreciatively, every time she cooperated just right.


Lu Sihui saluted Zhou Zixu and answered firmly.


Huang Yaomei followed suit and saluted. If the monitor can do it, so can she.

Other lesbians also echoed one after another, and Zhou Zixu glanced around with a cold expression.

Seeing people as hair straight, are they wrong?no?

"Listen to yourself. Are you answering neatly? Can you pass this way? Come, let you learn."

Zhou Zixu said coldly, these lesbians don't even know what they did wrong.

Pointing to the training ground facing him, the vice-captain was leading the trainees to train.

"Everyone is here, and the comrades from the propaganda team are welcome."

Zhou Zixu gave an order to a large group of stationers, and a majestic voice followed.

"Welcome the comrades from the Propaganda Team."

Uniform, not a single Turkic voice.

Lu Sihui looked at those comrades with bright eyes, she was so decent, this is the aura that a man of iron and blood should have.

Looking at lesbians again, the promises are uneven, let alone other training.

"Have you heard that, do you know where you are wrong? I ask you to be united. This is what I mean. You can't have personal heroism, and you can't bring your personal feelings to the unit. The glory belongs to you. Similarly, the shame of one person , It is also a shame for all of you, we share weal and woe."

Zhou Zixu glanced at a large group of station staff with satisfaction, good job, he gave himself a long face, glanced around, and severely taught the lesbians.

When the black pupil swept across Lu Sihui, there was a hint of warmth in his eyes, and when he turned to the next person, his eyes were like swords, without any warmth.

Lu Sihui looked at him with some admiration, Zixu led the team so well?She used to think that he was a useless playboy, but now it seems that she has wronged him.

However, can you stop being such a bad fart?
(End of this chapter)

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