Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 561 Private affairs Zhang Jia said

Chapter 561

As soon as Zhou Zixu spoke, all the lesbians looked at Lu Sihui, their gazes were uniform, much more neat than the practice of lying down just now.

Lu Sihui's complexion remained the same, and there was no change because of their strange eyes. She took a step forward, saluted Zhou Zixu, and answered loudly in her Qiyun Dantian.


Zhou Zixu's eyes showed approval, Sihui really has the demeanor of a general, and it is different when he passes through the big river and the waves.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would have looked shy, or stared at him complainingly.

That is the 300 taels of no silver here. Even if he is talking about business, this coy look has become abnormal.

Lu Sihui is a comrade by nature, no matter in any situation, she can stay calm and stand here as a man of iron and blood.

"I think our problem is coordination."

After Lu Sihui finished saluting, a cold voice came out of her little mouth.

"Well, go on."

Zhou Zixu looked coldly at the lesbians who were secretly watching this side. They were still lightly trained, and each of them still had time to watch the fun.

The lesbians who were swept by his cold gaze shrank their necks in fright and turned their heads quickly, not daring to look or listen anymore, and even complained that the team in front was walking too slowly.

Over there, Ding Li was still doing three hundred push-ups, which was almost fatal.

The little Zhao in front of him stared wide-eyed, and if he wanted to hide it, he couldn't be lazy.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw that the lesbians were queuing up to go to the cafeteria, and her stomach began to growl crazily.

Seeing Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu alone together again, her eyes turned red.

After treating her so badly, they actually blatantly flirted with each other?Is this a unit?What about the leader of the defense brigade?Why don't you take care of it?

"Do it quickly."

Seeing her slipping away mentally and showing signs of laziness, Xiao Zhao scolded coldly. The comrade's voice was loud, and Ding Li was so frightened that he lay down in the snow and ate his mouth full of snow.

"What are you shouting for? It scared me to death."

She pouted and gave Xiao Zhao a dissatisfied look.

He is so short, how can he still have the face to be a comrade?
"Keep going, there are 130 more."

Xiao Zhao glanced at her expressionlessly, and what he said made Ding Li collapse.

"That's not right! Did you make a mistake? I clearly made more than 200."

She started to play tricks, mess around, and said that Xiao Zhao's numbers were wrong.

"There are 130 more, and then there is still a 5000-meter weight-bearing run. You can dawdle, and I will accompany you until midnight at worst."

Xiao Zhao had a cold face, he didn't like this cunning lesbian, did he think he couldn't count?Playing such a clever thing?

"You can't find a wife like you."

Ding Li was furious and gritted her teeth. This is a man who doesn't like oil and salt, even if she uses beauty tricks, it's useless.

"Sihui, did the fall just hurt?"

Seeing that there were no outsiders in front of him, Zhou Zixu asked Sihui in a low voice, the coldness in his eyes disappeared, and the gentleness was like a warm sun.

"It doesn't hurt."

Lu Sihui pursed her lips and smiled, but when she saw some lesbians secretly looking back, and Ding Li staring at them, she immediately put away her smile.

"Sihui, I really want to kiss you."

Zhou Zixu lowered his voice, he couldn't say this in the team, it was too nasty, and he had to cover his lips with his fist to defend the brigade hidden dragons and crouching tigers, so you could tell what he said from the shape of his mouth.

"Seriously, this is the training base, let's go home and talk about private matters."

Lu Sihui gave him a blank look. Compared with Zhou Zixu, she pays more attention to discipline, especially the most sacred security team in her heart, which is more strict and self-disciplined.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

(End of this chapter)

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