Chapter 580 On Fire
The corridor was full of black smoke, and a figure ran out staggeringly, and the smoke came from the dormitory of the old comrades.

"It's on fire, put out the fire."

Lu Sihui had experienced being set on fire, and the moment she saw the black smoke, she immediately realized what had happened.

"Go call someone."

She is like an excellent commander, commanding comrades to work together with a clear division of labor.

"You fetch water with washbasins, and you guys go outside to get shovels and put out snow to put out the fire."

No matter old comrades or new comrades, they are like headless flies at this moment. Lu Sihui's command makes everything orderly. Those who were in a panic just now calm down. Lu Sihui's command put out the fire.

Lu Sihui led people to get the bucket and shovel on the shelf. Huang Yaomei was strong enough to pack the snow, and Lu Sihui led people to carry the snow and ran into the house.

Over there, Zhou Zixu received the report and rushed over with a team of guards. Everyone started to fight, but the fire was finally prevented from spreading.

But the dormitory for the old comrades was uninhabitable. The room was black with smoke, half of the bedding was burned, and the fire went up, and the roof almost collapsed without being burned.

"what happened?"

Looking at the messy scene, Zhou Zixu glared at Ding Li sharply.

Pretend to be sick and play with fire in the house?This is destroying important materials and can go to trial court.

"I have a stomachache, and I put on a quilt and warmed myself by the stove. I don't know why it caught fire. Woohoo, I was scared to death."

Ding Li couldn't look at it right now, her hair and eyebrows were burnt, her face was pitch black, she was crying and wiping her tears, her face looked like a painted cat.

She was so scared that she almost turned into a suckling.1 pig.

Fortunately, she found it in time and flung the quilt and ran out.

"Come on, take her to the hospital."

Zhou Zixu frowned and stared at her. It was just that a quilt was on fire, and it was at the stove. The fire shouldn't have spread so quickly. She must have run for her life in a hurry and threw the burning quilt onto someone else's bed, causing the fire to spread rapidly.

This kind of person really can't be left behind. If there is nothing wrong with the inspection, let the propaganda team take it back. Don't come and burn the security team to ashes in a few days.

"What should I do? How do you sleep at night?"

There were ten people in the old comrade's class, and there were nine people left after Ding Li left. Seeing the mess in the room, water and snow everywhere, everyone was crying, and there were many people who hated Ding Li in their hearts.

"You pack up your belongings, and go to the logistics to get a set of quilts and mattresses. You can only share a dormitory with Lu Sihui's class. I will send someone to give you extra beds in a while."

Zhou Zixu let out a sigh of relief. This is a dormitory reserved for lesbians alone. You can't squeeze in with gay men, right?
Sixteen people need eight beds, and there are five in Lu Sihui's room, and three more beds are enough.

But there is one thing, there is no free space between the beds, basically like a big bunk, it is inconvenient for everyone to get up and down.

"Thank you Captain Zhou."

At this time, no one is picky anymore, I can't go back to the propaganda team, there must be a place to sleep!Zhou Zixu solved their urgent need.

Li Mei frowned and lowered her head. The dormitory was very spacious, and they were all from the new gay class, so they didn't shy away from talking about whatever they wanted.

Now that these nine old comrades are here, they are squeezed together and don't speak. In the future, they will have to be scrupulous about speaking, and they will not be able to speak freely.

The most important thing is that I drank ginger syrup last night, and my stomach was warm. If there were no outsiders, the squad leader might invite everyone tonight.

When these people came, Lu Sihui probably wouldn't be able to take out the brown sugar. There were too many monks and too little meat, not enough.

The old comrades were all grateful, and the new comrades were expressionless. Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui and asked for her opinion.

"Squad Leader Lu, do you have any objections?"

(End of this chapter)

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